December 6,8 - Metalworking Industry receives a private briefing from California's top Assemblymembers and key officials at the 2005 Regional Meetings.
November 29 - 2005 Metalworking Industry Regional Meetings; Dec 6 (Oakland), Dec 8 (Downey) (Download Flier)
November 28 - New Battle Brewing Over Workers' Comp - The Desert Sun(Link)
Nov 7 - VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8; CMC supports the Governor's agenda, but specifically supports a Yes on Prop 75 (paycheck protection) and Prop 77 (redistricting). Pass the word on to your colleagues. Informing your employees and stockholders about the impact of proposed legislation, regulations and ballot measures is within your rights as a business owner. Common guidelines for communicating to employees can be found at: (download)
Oct 31 - CHINA WATCH: This updates includes "Government to Curb Expansion of Copper Smelting Industry"; China's Steel Producers to Cut Production by 5 Percent to Avoid Price Fall"; Air Pollution Taking a Heavy Toll in China"; "Olympics Showing China has Power to Control Piracy" (Download Update)
Oct 28 - CMC supporting organizations PMA Northern and Southern California are holding seminars about R&D Tax Credits. Presenting will be the Black Line Group, which helps companies realize substantial tax benefits through the use of R&D Credit. Learn how to effectively use this little known part of the tax code. Nor Cal - Nov 16 (info); So Cal - Nov 17 (info)
Oct 18 - CMC reminder of the importance of the SPECIAL ELECTION on NOV 8th. CMC supports the governor's positions on the November ballot (download position flier), but most importantly a YES on Prop 75 (public union dues) and YES on Prop 77 (redistricting).
CMC will have a table-top exhibit at the 10th Annual Metalforming Expo in Montebello, CA. The function will be held October 13, 2005, from 3pm-7pm. Admission is free. Download: (Flier)
CMC's Executive Director and VP of Government Affairs spends two weeks in China (Sept 15-29) touring metalworking facilities and meeting with government officials.
September 9 - CMC co-sponsors seminar (to be held Oct 6 in Southern California) targeting successful strategies for competing in a low-cost manufacturing world. Featured speakers include: Undersecretary Barry Sedlik of California's Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and Assistant U.S. Commerce Secretary for Manufacturing, Al Frink. (more info)
September 2 - Senate Democrats reject well-qualified Ms. Cindy Tuck as Chair of the State Air Resources Board. Another appointee from the Governor is expected after the Legislature adjourns on Sept 9.
August 31 - CMC actively supports Governor Schwarzenegger's appointment of Ms. Cindy Tuck to the top position of the State Air Resources Board. Senate Democrat Committee leaders have stated they would block the appointment. Issue will be heard in front of the full Senate. CMC urges members to write letters of support for Ms. Tuck to your local state Senator. Note: your legislator can be found by clicking the icon near the top of the page. (sample letter)
August 16 - SB 109 would allow severe air pollution violations to be punished with civil and/or criminal penalties. Currently local air districts and local prosecuters choose between civil or criminal penalties. CMC opposes this bill and urges members to send letters to their local Assemblymember to stop the bill. Note: your legislator can be found by clicking the icon near the top of the page. (sample letter)
August 15 - Legislature returns from summer recess.
August 14 - Redistricting measure ruled back on the ballot by California Supreme Court. Measure would change the entire landscape of Sacramento by removing the drawing of district lines from the Legislature and placing that duty in the hands of judges. (link)
August 5 - Ballot initiative to instantly increase property taxes for commercial and industrial property owners was abandoned by the California Teachers Association and California Correctional Peace Officers Association. Ballot measure would have required properties to be reassessed annually rather than when properties are sold or change ownership, hence raising more than $2.8 billion in taxes. The so-called "California Tax Fairness Act" would have rolled back the protections under Prop 13, the 1978 property tax limitation measure.
July 22 - China revalues yuan and ends decade long peg to the dollar. CMC Report
July 21 - CMC holds a successful industry roundtable discussion in Downey and outlines agenda items for the rest of 2005. Notes coming soon.
June 30 - CMC will be holding an industry roundtable discussion/breakfast on JULY 21, 2005, 8AM-9:45AM, at the So Cal Energy Resource Center. For those interested in attending, please RSVP via email ([email protected]).
June 17 - CMC opposes ballot measure: "Tax Fairness Act of 2005," which would amend the state's Constitution by requiring an annual reassessment of most non-residential property at market value. This proposal would increase taxes annually by $3.5 billion, according to the Legislative Analyst's Office. This measure removes voter-approved Proposition 13 protections, which limits increases to 2 percent a year for both residential and non-residential property, with reassessments only when the property changes ownership.
June 17 - CMC opposes ballot measure: "No Future Direct Access Initiative," which would thwart any new future purchasing of energy on the open market (also known as direct access). It also would allow utilities, which once owned most of the state's power plants, to decide on a case-by-case basis whether it would be cheaper to build new plants themselves or buy power from someone else.
June 14 - Oakland city council investigates rezoning of industrial land, including areas where metalworking facilities reside. CMC engages in planning commission session and impact of report . CMC Letter: (Download)
May 31 - CMC and an industry coalition fight against the legislature's use of fees as hidden taxes on businesses. Letter: (Download)
May 19-20 - CMC and its members gather in Sacramento for its Annual Meeting. Speakers included the highest level of political California leaders in an intimate setting. Included were: Ted Costa, "Father of the Davis Recall", DTSC Chief Deputy Director Leonard Robinson, Republican Assembly Whip Greg Aghazarian, Senator Dave Cox (R-Sacramento) and more.
May 18 - CMC provides oral testimony in Oakland against Cal-OSHA's pre-proposal to lower the permissible exposure limit (PEL) for crystalline silica by 90%. Users of any silica based material would be severely impacted, and it sets a precedence for anti-business rulemaking. Read May 11 industry opposition letter: (Download)
May 13 - CMC meets with the Insurance Commissioner to discuss the next round of proposed workers' compensation premiums reductions (expected in June). The Insurance Commissioner makes the recommendation that sets the "bar" for rates.
Public Policy Institute of California publishes The Workers' Compensation Crisis in California report. This is an excellent nonpartisan, independent report on the workers' comp market and impacting factors.(Download)
May 5 - CMC offers training seminar to satisfy state's new sexual harassment prevention training requirement on June 15, 2005 (Download Flier)
April 28 - Andrea Hoch, administrative director of the state Division of Workers' Compensation, receives Senate Committee support on 3-2 vote. Hoch is supported by CMC as the choice for this position. Senator Perata is critical vote in pro-business appointee. (News Link)
April 22, 2005 - CMC and Coalition for a Sound Dollar push President Bush to dispatch Treasury Secretary John Snow to China to continue pressing China's currency issue. (Download)
April 20 - CMC's work and support for Andrea Hoch as administrative director of the state Division of Workers' Compensation helps manufacturers in continuing to lower workers' comp rates. Hoch is overseeing the landmark overhaul of the state's workers' compensation system and has been under heavy scrutiny by applicant attorney's for injured workers. (Download)
April 17, 2005 - CMC legislation review to date. (Download)
New Labor Poster: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military services. (Download)
March 30, 2005 - CMC supports the Fair Districts Now movement which would change the process of redistricting in California by taking it out of the hands of politicians and put it in the hands of the people. CMC urges individual members to sign petitions and support. (Link)
The CMC Annual Meeting will be held May 19-20, 2005, at the Embassy Suites Promenade, Downtown Sacramento. CMC will again partner with the California Cast Metals Association for this government affairs conference. Click here for agenda and sign-up sheet. All CMC members are encouraged to participate in this metal working industry event.
March 10, 2005 - CMC supports the Citizens to Save California Movement and urges individual members to sign petitions and support. (Link)
March 1, 2005 - Over 125 individual bills introduced into legislature for Workers' Comp reform. (download)
Urge Federal Legislators to Support Senate Bill 5 (S.5 Grassley R-Iowa), a bill which represents another attempt by Congress to limit meritless, sometimes called frivolous, lawsuits, that many feel have been excessive. Letters should be sent to Grassley, with copies to US California Senators Boxer and Feinstein. (Link to More info and Draft Letter)
January 18, 2005: CMC prepares comments for 2005 Storm Water Draft Permit hearings (LINK). Current draft permit would have significant cost increases for metalworking facilities. Hearings will be held Jan 31 in Rancho Cucamonga and Feb 3 in Sacramento. Members are strongly urged to give testimony.
January 3, 2005: California Legislature reconvenes