So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
December 10, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. The session will be held at the Embassy Suites, 8425 Firestone Blvd, Downey CA. The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Assemblymember-elect Diane Harkey (R-73), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
December 4, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Thursday, December 4, 2008 in Union City, CA at US Pipe. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest state Senator Ellen Corbett (D-10), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
AB 1953 Conference: Separating Myths vs Facts
November 13, 2008
California's new lead free law (AB 1953) will take effect January 1, 2010. Metal products that come in contact with drinking water will be impacted. CMC is assembling an open forum for industry professionals, labs, government agencies and water utilities. Make sure your company is prepared. (Flier and Registration Form)
Metalworking Industry Energy Conference
October 15, 2008
Electricity and natural gas are major cost components for metalworking companies. CMC is partnering with Southern California Edison and the Southern California Gas Company to present the latest information, case histories, calculations, and demonstrations. More importantly, the entire session will be focused on metalworking companies. (Flier and Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
September 30, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Mayor Abram Wilson, Republican Nominee for the 15th Assembly District, will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
September 23, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This So Cal session will be held Tuesday, September 23 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Assemblyman Anthony Adams (R-59), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
July 23, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente, will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
July 24, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This So Cal session will be held Thursday, July 24, 2008 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-Downey), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Metalworking Industry Annual Meeting & Gala
May 29-30 2008
Leaders of California's metalworking industry have traveled to Sacramento since 1973 to meet with California's political decision-makers and voice our position. The two-day meeting is held adjacent to the state Capitol and focuses on state regulatory and legislative issues impacting the metalworking industry. The night of May 29 includes the industry evening gala. Download Agenda
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
March 11, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables cover the latest state legislation, state regulations, and our strategies on these issues. This So Cal session will be held March 11 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues. Special guest Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard (R-District 2), will also be joining us. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
March 18, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables cover the latest state legislation, state regulations, and our strategies on these issues. This Nor Cal session will be held March 18 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues. Special guest state Assemblymember Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley), will also be joining us. (Registration Form)
December 10, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. The session will be held at the Embassy Suites, 8425 Firestone Blvd, Downey CA. The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Assemblymember-elect Diane Harkey (R-73), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
December 4, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Thursday, December 4, 2008 in Union City, CA at US Pipe. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest state Senator Ellen Corbett (D-10), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
AB 1953 Conference: Separating Myths vs Facts
November 13, 2008
California's new lead free law (AB 1953) will take effect January 1, 2010. Metal products that come in contact with drinking water will be impacted. CMC is assembling an open forum for industry professionals, labs, government agencies and water utilities. Make sure your company is prepared. (Flier and Registration Form)
Metalworking Industry Energy Conference
October 15, 2008
Electricity and natural gas are major cost components for metalworking companies. CMC is partnering with Southern California Edison and the Southern California Gas Company to present the latest information, case histories, calculations, and demonstrations. More importantly, the entire session will be focused on metalworking companies. (Flier and Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
September 30, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Mayor Abram Wilson, Republican Nominee for the 15th Assembly District, will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
September 23, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This So Cal session will be held Tuesday, September 23 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Assemblyman Anthony Adams (R-59), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
July 23, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This Nor Cal session will be held Wednesday, July 23, 2008 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Oakland City Council President Ignacio De La Fuente, will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
July 24, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables are industry briefings for the metalworking industry. This So Cal session will be held Thursday, July 24, 2008 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is also your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues with CMC staff and lobbyists. Special guest Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-Downey), will also be joining us for the final hour. (Registration Form)
Metalworking Industry Annual Meeting & Gala
May 29-30 2008
Leaders of California's metalworking industry have traveled to Sacramento since 1973 to meet with California's political decision-makers and voice our position. The two-day meeting is held adjacent to the state Capitol and focuses on state regulatory and legislative issues impacting the metalworking industry. The night of May 29 includes the industry evening gala. Download Agenda
So Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
March 11, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables cover the latest state legislation, state regulations, and our strategies on these issues. This So Cal session will be held March 11 in Downey, CA (Map). The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues. Special guest Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard (R-District 2), will also be joining us. (Registration Form)
Nor Cal Metalworking Industry Quarterly Regional Roundtable
March 18, 2008
CMC's quarterly regional roundtables cover the latest state legislation, state regulations, and our strategies on these issues. This Nor Cal session will be held March 18 in Oakland, CA. The roundtable is your forum to discuss political advocacy and industry issues. Special guest state Assemblymember Loni Hancock (D-Berkeley), will also be joining us. (Registration Form)