December 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
Dec 21- South Coast Air Quality Management District adopted Rule 1155. Facilities with air pollution control devices, such as baghouses, may be impacted. The rule takes effect 4/1/2010. (Download Rule)
Dec 18- CMC members California Metal-X and Champion Arrowhead highlight Los Angeles Business Journal article on California's no lead law AB 1953, which takes effect January 1, 2010. (Download)
Dec 9- California Taxpayers Association report demonstrates that Prop 13 has not shifted the tax burden from business owners to homeowners. In 2008-09, the assessed value of business and other non-homeowner property was $827 billion higher than that of homes. (Press Release)(Report)
Dec 7- CMC-member California Metal-X (CMX) of Los Angeles is the first brass ingot manufacturer in the world to receive NSF 61 certification. This includes Annex G certification, which qualifies the ingot for the requirements of California's lead free law AB 1953. (News Article)
Dec 2- OSHA's Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program impacts the metalworking industry. Facilities should review operations to make sure safety measures are complete. (Report)
November 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
Nov 27- The California Air Resources Board publishes its preliminary draft for the nation's first cap-and-trade program. The next CARB meeting on this issue is Dec 14. (Draft)
Nov 19- The California Air Resources Board released its first-ever annual emissions report, which compiled greenhouse gas data from all stationary sources that contributed more than 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2008 to California 's emissions total. The report was mandated under the state's climate change law, AB 32. (Excel Report)
Nov 17 - CMC announces December 3 Southern CA Roundtable Meeting with guest state Assemblymember Jose Solorio (D-69). The meeting with be held at the Southern California Gas Company ERC in Downey. (Registration)
Nov 13- Milken Institute publishes "Where America's Jobs are Created and Sustained." Texas and Connecticut are the 2009 leaders. California and Florida top the nation's decline list. (Download)
Nov 9- State Insurance Commissioner Steve rejects 22.8% rate increase proposal by the WCIRB. CMC applauds the commissioner for his recommendation. (Article)
Nov 3- An analyis by Trends Magazine on California vs. Texas on job growth, schools, state revenues, ethnic diversity and more.(Article)
Nov 1- Fed-EPA publishes mandatory greenhouse gas reporting rule. Data collection will begin in 2010.(Link)
October 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
October 28- Boeing chooses South Carolina over states such as California to build its new 787 line. South Carolina offered Boeing $170 million in incentives and relief from sales taxes on things like fuel used in test flights. (Article)
October 20- Historical center Miners Foundry in Grass Valley celebrates 150 years in California. Miners Foundry was the birthplace of the Pelton Wheel, which revolutionized the use of water power in 1879. (Audio)
October 15 - CMC member Champion-Arrowhead (Los Angeles) provides video on going "lead-free" to handle California's new lead-free law, AB 1953, which takes effect January 1, 2010. (Link)
October 9 - CMC opposes the building code change to allow PVC and ABS into hospitals, nursing facilities, and correctional centers. The health and fire-related risks of plastics are significant. (Comments)
October 8 - The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is holding a public hearing on Monday to receive input on enforcement, fines, and regulatory programs. (Download)
October 6 - Since 2003 Michigan creates 163,300 green jobs, but has lost 632,000 jobs during the same time. If the future of American manufacturing lies in green industries, the Michigan governor's pursuit of green jobs offers a cautionary tale. (Washington Post Article)
October 2 - CMC urges Congress to fully fund the Navy ship building program: "T-AKE Program 2009". (Article)
October 1 - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made available video to help taxpayers take full advantage of the 2009 tax provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). (Link)
September 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
September 30 - Growing machining apprentice program demonstrates the value of Career Technical Education. (Article)
September 29 - California Air Resources Board committee releases review of federal greenhouse gas legislation vs. California's AB 32. (Download)
September 28 - The Tax Foundation ranks California #48 of 50 states in terms of competitiveness and tax systems. (Download)
September 21 - CMC supports the Campaign for College Opporunity, which offers California's youth scholarship opportunities for higher education. (Download)
September 18 - CMC presses for further clarification on California's new lead law, AB 1953, and certification, SB 1334. (Senator Steinberg Letter)
September 16 - Environmental Justice Bus Tour publication details the positive progress and status of AB&I Foundry in Oakland. AB&I's open house on August 8 is featured. (Download)
September 11 - Last day for California legislature to pass a bill in 2009. Governor has until October 11 to sign or veto bills.
September 9 - Dept of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) publishes courses for metal fabrication and metal machine shops. (Download)
August 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
August 31 - California conditionally designates 5 new enterprise zones: The zones are Hesperia, Tulare, Pittsburg, Sacramento and Taft. (Article)
August 24 - CMC member California Metal-X is featured on Fox 11 news (Los Angeles) to discuss California's impact on manufacturing. (Link)
August 20 - California's unemployment rate hits 11.9%, the highest number in modern record-keeping. CMC pushes California's Legislature to focus on job retention and creation, especially in manufacturing. (Article)
August 17 - The Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) publishes new information related to California's "No Lead" laws (AB 1953, SB 1334, SB 1395). Link
August 8 - Community neighbor and CMC-member AB&I Foundry (Oakland) co-hosted Oakland's "Open House for Families and Neighbors." Participants included many local elected officials, youth groups, law enforcement agencies, churches, local businesss, families, children and lots of local residents. Nearly 400 attended and many participated in a tour of AB&I Foundry. (Photos)
July 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
July 30 - San Jose Mercury article by Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner regarding attempts to save California's last auto maker, NUMMI, of Fremont.(Article)
July 17 - CMC-member AB&I Foundry (Oakland) is teaming up with the California Black Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and The Crucible Industrial Arts School to hold an "Open House for Neighbors and Families" on August 8. Visit:
July 14 - Study counters California Air Resources Board claim that California's greenhouse gas law (AB 32) will have no cost impact to businesses and state. (Article)
July 13 - Los Angeles Business Journal covers CMC's conference on California's "No Lead" Laws. (Article)
July 8 - Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner rejects 23.7% proposed workers' comp rate increase. CMC applauds Poizner for recognizing the highly sensitive economic times all companies are experiencing.
July 2 - CMC opposes AB 838 (Swanson-D). Legislation would create new indoor heat requirements for all manufacturers. (Letter)
June 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
June 24 - San Francisco Chronicle publishes story on how California has been losing manufacturing jobs faster than comparable states. (Article)
June 23 - Los Angeles Times article examines the departure of 79,000 manufacturing jobs between 2003 and 2007 due to California's onerous regulations and high taxes. (LA Times Article)
June 19 - Milken Institute publishes study on the significant decline in California's manufacturing jobs. The study notes that manufacturing jobs pay $12,000 more per year than all other jobs. It also compares other states.(Download Study 7MB)
June 2 - CMC announces July 22 Roundtable Meeting with guest state Assemblymember Norma Torres (D-61). The meeting with be held at Walker Corporation in Ontario. (Link)
May 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
May 19 - CMC member responds to competitor claiming compliance with Stimulus Funding "Buy American" provision. (Article)
May 18 - CMC provides comments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on potential leakage of emissions in the metalworking industry due to AB 32. (Letter)
May 15 - CMC and broad group of business allies supports SB 295 (Dutton). Legislation would require CARB to have peer-review of the Scoping Plan costs for AB 32. The economic analysis would also be reviewed the Legislative Analyst's Office. (Letter)
May 14 - Metalworking facilities go to Washington DC to educate lawmakers on the potential collapse of small manufacturers due to the slowdown/shutdown of the automakers. (Article)
May 12 - CMC announces workshop on California's Repetitive Motion Injury (Ergonomics) law. Sessions will be held June 16 in Downey, and June 18 in Ontario. (Link)
May 8 - Lawsuit brought against California Air Resources Board (CARB) for not disclosing costs associated with proposed AB 32 fees. CARB is attempting to collect $56,000,000 in proposed back fees and $39,000,000/year in future fees without disclosing costs. CMC supports this legal action. (Article)
May 4 - CMC supports state Senate Bill 699 (Alquist-D) and Assembly Bill 829 (Caballero-D). The measures would provide exemptions from the state portion of sales tax on purchases of qualified equipment. (Download)
April 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
April 29 - LA Times reports that China is intentionally reducing environmental regulations to induce economic production. In China's southeast, Jiangxi Copper Corp. is expected to begin work next month on a $730-million lead-zinc metal smelting operation along the Yangtze River. People have voiced concerns about the potential harm to the area, including a nearby lake, but provincial authorities fast-tracked the approval process and environmental-impact review in just three days. (Article)
April 20 - To particpate in Earth Day 2009, CMC and Senator Rod Wright will be co-hosting an e-recycling event at Compton High School. The e-waste will be handled by Trojan Metal Trading of Los Angeles. (Flier)
April 19 - Fed-EPA rules that greenhouse gases are a danger to public health. This is likely to trigger a series of federal regulations on limiting greenhouse gas emissions. (Article)
April 17 - CMC supports state Senate Bill 696 (Wright-D). The measure would resolve the current permitting problems at the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), due to a recent lawsuit on how emission credits are allocated. (Download)
April 14 - Under AB 32, the California Air Resources Board must assess the potential leakage of emissions due to this new law. CMC participated in the workshop on April 13 to discuss how leakage impacts the cap-and-trade system for CMC members. (CARB Report) | (Data Resource)
April 13 - CMC supports state Senate Bill 295 (Dutton-R) . The measure would require the California Air Resources Board to conduct a valid economic analysis of the AB 32 Scoping Plan. (Letter)
April 8 - CMC President Jeff Mock, Thorock Metals, receives a Climate Action Leader award from Cal-EPA Secretary Linda Adams for his work on greenhouse gas emissions. Several California metalworking facilities, including TST/TIMCO (Fontana) were also honored. (Photo)
April 6 - CMC issues its first report to metalworking companies on how the stimulus money is being allocated in the state of California. (Download)
April 5 - CMC supports state Senate Bill 356 (Wright-D). The measure strengthens existing laws regarding economic impact analyses of new regulations, paying particular attention to the cost implications for small business compliance. (Download)
April 2 - New legal opinion could allow tax increases with simple majorty vote in Legislature (rather than two-thirds). (Article)
March 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
March 30 - CMC joins large business coalition to raise concerns with California Air Resources Board about their low carbon fuel standard. (Letter)
March 21 - Governor Schwarzenegger publishes California Business Advantages report. (Download)
March 19- CMC President Jeff Mock, Thorock Metals, writes an article for Washington Times on revitalizing US manufacturing (Letter).
March 13- CMC opposes federal "card check" legislation, titled Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) (Letter).
March 12- CMC and several members are guests on Sacramento's "Going Green" radio show, 97.7 FM. The show profiles industries and individuals that are part of California's green environmental movement. The radio station is operated by the Califorina Black Chamber of Commerce. (Photo).
March 6- SCAQMD adopts new Rule 1144 which reduces or eliminates the use of vanishing oils and rust inhibitors. Rule 1144 is effective 1/1/2010. Future rulemaking on lubricants, and other potential VOC sources is expected in the Fall 2009.
March 2- CMC announces March 25 seminar on early 2009 Manufacturing Issues to be held in Downey, CA. (Registration/Flier).
February 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
February 13- CMC member Champion-Arrowhead Products of Los Angeles issues a letter promoting the benefits of products Made in America. (Letter).
February 12- CMC member Edelbrock Corporation opened its doors to host a tour. Dinner, gifts and a behind the scenes look at the facility were provided. (Photo).
February 11- Neenah (Wisconsin) announces it will close Gregg Industries of El Monte, California. CMC member Gregg Industries is a grey iron foundry employing 400 Californians. (Announcement)(Article).
February 6- CMC submits comments to California Air Resources Board on AB32 Early Action item: sulfur hexafluoride, SF6. (Letter).
February 5- CMC supports Sacramento Going Green Radio Show with Enviro Bro Leonard Robinson. The show is aired on 97.7 FM, which is owned and operated by the Black Chamber of Commerce. (Letter).
February 4- US Senate softens Buy American language in potential stimulus package. The underlying Senate bill had required that all public works projects funded by the stimulus package use only U.S.-made iron, steel and manufactured goods. (Link).
January 2009 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
January 26- California Air Resources Board publishes a tool kit to facilitate greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Case studies, incentive programs, carbon footprint calculator, and more. (Link).
January 23- A survey is being conducted by CMC ally Small Business California (SB-Cal) to prioritize issues impacting small businesses. CMC members are encouraged to complete the survey. If needed, companies can be anonymous. (Survey).
January 21- CMC published a 2-page fact sheet on SCAQMD's Rule 1304 and 1309.1 stakeholder meeting. (Download).
January 19- Lawsuit against SCAQMD changes their permitting process, and validity of thousands of previously issued permits. The lawsuit impacts Rule 1304 and 1309.1. SCAQMD is holding a stakeholders meeting this Wednesday (Jan 21) to discuss the next steps. (Meeting Announcement, FAQ's, Letter About Court Decision, Jan 21 Presentation )
January 13- Voter FIRST Act (Prop 11) will change the way political districts are drawn in California. A committee will be chosen to re-draw districts after the 2011 census. For more information, or if you are interested in being considered for the Citizens Redistricting Commission, click here. Also, upcoming hearing dates have been posted (download)
January 9- California Air Resources Board (CARB) considers SF6 (Sulfur Hexafluoride) as an early action item under AB 32. SF6 is used in certain metal casting processes. (Link)
January 8- Based on data released in December 2008, California still leads the nation in manufacturing jobs. The five-county area of So Cal alone employs 784,100. Los Angeles county is still the nation's largest manufacturing center with 447,000, topping Chicago by more than 62,000 manufacturing jobs. So Cal's manufacturing base alone would rank 3rd amongst states, after California as a whole and Texas. (source: LAEDC).
January 5- CMC supports L.A. County Department of Social Services Toy Loan and Volunteer Program. The Toy Loan Program is a free service which allows children to borrow toys from a Toy Loan Center in the same manner in which they borrow books from the public library. (Letter and Photo)
January 4- US steel industry urges Buy American recovery plan. (Link)