Metalworking Industry News: 2013
December 2013
December 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published (Link)
December 19 - State imposing daily beverage container recycling limit in effort to stop fraud. (LA Times)
December 16 - CMC participates in DTSC's first general public meeting in Sacramento. (Agenda)
December 10 - Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski speaks at the CMC regional roundtable in San Jose. (Photo)
December 9 - California among few states vying for Boeing jet plant. (News)
December 6 - Nearly 100 attend Manufacturing Summit, hosted by CMC in Los Angeles. (Photos)
December 2 - Go-BIZ holds workshops throughout the state on new manufacturing tax credits, starting Dec 11 in Bay Area. (Go-Biz)
December 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published (Link)
December 19 - State imposing daily beverage container recycling limit in effort to stop fraud. (LA Times)
December 16 - CMC participates in DTSC's first general public meeting in Sacramento. (Agenda)
December 10 - Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski speaks at the CMC regional roundtable in San Jose. (Photo)
December 9 - California among few states vying for Boeing jet plant. (News)
December 6 - Nearly 100 attend Manufacturing Summit, hosted by CMC in Los Angeles. (Photos)
December 2 - Go-BIZ holds workshops throughout the state on new manufacturing tax credits, starting Dec 11 in Bay Area. (Go-Biz)
November 2013
November 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
November 25 - WCIRB releases its cost monitoring report on the latest round of workers comp reforms. (Report)
November 20 - BOE publishes second paper on new manufacturing equipment tax exemption. (Document)
November 18 - Oakland Mayoral candidate Joe Tuman added to Dec 10 CMC roundtable. (Flyer)
November 15 - California Superior Court rules that CARB cap and trade auction is not an illegal tax. (Article)
November 14 - CMC and the entire metals industry sends its deepest condolences to the Gatto family. The 78-year-old father of Assemblyman Mike Gatto was murdered in his Silver Lake home Wednesday night. (News)
November 13 - SCAQMD holds Task Force Meeting on Rule 1147, miscellaneous sources of emissions. (Handouts)
November 8 - Sales and Use tax varies greatly across California. The Board of Equalization published a new tool to assist with specific tax rates in a jurisdiction. (Link)
November 6 - CMC member Maria Gutzeit elected to seat on Newhall County Water District. (Information)
November 5 - Report shows California's Latinos are the fastest growing population of the state’s students, but also have the lowest college graduation rates. The need for middle class manufacturing wages is still significant. (Article)
November 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
November 25 - WCIRB releases its cost monitoring report on the latest round of workers comp reforms. (Report)
November 20 - BOE publishes second paper on new manufacturing equipment tax exemption. (Document)
November 18 - Oakland Mayoral candidate Joe Tuman added to Dec 10 CMC roundtable. (Flyer)
November 15 - California Superior Court rules that CARB cap and trade auction is not an illegal tax. (Article)
November 14 - CMC and the entire metals industry sends its deepest condolences to the Gatto family. The 78-year-old father of Assemblyman Mike Gatto was murdered in his Silver Lake home Wednesday night. (News)
November 13 - SCAQMD holds Task Force Meeting on Rule 1147, miscellaneous sources of emissions. (Handouts)
November 8 - Sales and Use tax varies greatly across California. The Board of Equalization published a new tool to assist with specific tax rates in a jurisdiction. (Link)
November 6 - CMC member Maria Gutzeit elected to seat on Newhall County Water District. (Information)
November 5 - Report shows California's Latinos are the fastest growing population of the state’s students, but also have the lowest college graduation rates. The need for middle class manufacturing wages is still significant. (Article)
October 2013
October 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
October 25 - CMC Board of Directors meeting scheduled for November 12 in Tustin. This meeting is open to CMC members. RSVP requested.
October 22 - US EPA publishes summary on drinking water component requirements as 2014 deadline approaches. The federal law reduces the amount of lead allowable in potable water components, which is identical to current California law under AB 1953. (Summary)
October 19 - CMC-member Schnitzer Steel featured in Oakland Business Review Green Business Report. (Magazine)
October 15 - State Board of Equalization releases information for new statewide equipment tax exemption. (Packet)
October 14 - Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 1165. The bill would have doubled the appeal process for Cal-OSHA violations. (Veto Message)
October 11 - CMC submits comments on the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 parts per billion for hexavalent chromium (Cr6) in drinking water, as proposed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). (Letter)
October 6 - Governor Brown signs CMC-supported AB 227 into law. The bill creates new reforms for Prop 65. (Law)
October 4 - CMC members ACE Clearwater, Haas Automation and Vista Metals celebrate national Manufacturing Day with students, elected officials and media. (ACE Clearwater Photos from Daily Breeze); (Vista Metals photo of Mars Rover wheel)
October 3 - Governor vetoes scrap metal bills AB 841 (Torres) and AB 909 (Gray). (Veto Messages)
October 1 - Affordable Care Act notification of employee coverage options are effective Oct 1. (model notice if you offer a health plan) (model notice if you do NOT offer a health plan)
October 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
October 25 - CMC Board of Directors meeting scheduled for November 12 in Tustin. This meeting is open to CMC members. RSVP requested.
October 22 - US EPA publishes summary on drinking water component requirements as 2014 deadline approaches. The federal law reduces the amount of lead allowable in potable water components, which is identical to current California law under AB 1953. (Summary)
October 19 - CMC-member Schnitzer Steel featured in Oakland Business Review Green Business Report. (Magazine)
October 15 - State Board of Equalization releases information for new statewide equipment tax exemption. (Packet)
October 14 - Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 1165. The bill would have doubled the appeal process for Cal-OSHA violations. (Veto Message)
October 11 - CMC submits comments on the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 10 parts per billion for hexavalent chromium (Cr6) in drinking water, as proposed by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). (Letter)
October 6 - Governor Brown signs CMC-supported AB 227 into law. The bill creates new reforms for Prop 65. (Law)
October 4 - CMC members ACE Clearwater, Haas Automation and Vista Metals celebrate national Manufacturing Day with students, elected officials and media. (ACE Clearwater Photos from Daily Breeze); (Vista Metals photo of Mars Rover wheel)
October 3 - Governor vetoes scrap metal bills AB 841 (Torres) and AB 909 (Gray). (Veto Messages)
October 1 - Affordable Care Act notification of employee coverage options are effective Oct 1. (model notice if you offer a health plan) (model notice if you do NOT offer a health plan)
September 2013
September 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
September 27 - State Water Board to increase all major fees, including storm water by 27.5 percent. (Notice)
September 26 - Governor Brown signs minium wage increase bill. The new minimum wage will be $9 in 2014 and $10 in 2016. (Article)
September 25 - 2013 Oakland Neighbors event hosted by CMC-member AB&I Foundry. (Web Site Link)
September 24 - CMC urges Governor Brown to sign bill that reforms Prop 65 and curbs frivolous law suits. (Letter)
September 18 - CMC member ACE Clearwater of Torrance announces its Oct 4 Manufacturing Day event. (Video) (Event)
September 15 - WCIRB announces a suggested 6.9 percent increase in workers comp rates. (Announcement)
September 14 - Cal-EPA releases updated version of CalEnviroScreen. The interactive tool allows users to search by zip code and find pollution data. (Link)
September 13 - CMC-opposed bills AB 1330 (double DTSC and air pollution fines based on zip code) and SB 691 (ten-fold increase for non-vehicular air pollution fines) are both sent to the inactive list and dead for 2013. (Bill Search)
September 12 - Legislature prepares to pass first minimum wage increase since 2008. AB 10 would increase the state minimum wage to $9.00 in 2014 and $10.00 in 2016. (Legislation)
September 11 - CMC-endorsed legal counsel Bill Funderburk, partner, Castellon and Funderburk Law Firm is officially appointed to the Los Angeles DWP Board of Directors. (Video)
September 9 - CMC opposes a new bill, AB 1330, that would double penalties for metal manufacturers located in EJ areas. (Letter)
September 5 - CMC secures Assemblymember Mike Gatto for its roundtable meeting in San Leandro on October 31. (Registration/Flyer)
September 3 - CMC-supported bill, AB 393, is signed into law. The bill provides centralized information for business on permits and fees. (Legislation)
September 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
September 27 - State Water Board to increase all major fees, including storm water by 27.5 percent. (Notice)
September 26 - Governor Brown signs minium wage increase bill. The new minimum wage will be $9 in 2014 and $10 in 2016. (Article)
September 25 - 2013 Oakland Neighbors event hosted by CMC-member AB&I Foundry. (Web Site Link)
September 24 - CMC urges Governor Brown to sign bill that reforms Prop 65 and curbs frivolous law suits. (Letter)
September 18 - CMC member ACE Clearwater of Torrance announces its Oct 4 Manufacturing Day event. (Video) (Event)
September 15 - WCIRB announces a suggested 6.9 percent increase in workers comp rates. (Announcement)
September 14 - Cal-EPA releases updated version of CalEnviroScreen. The interactive tool allows users to search by zip code and find pollution data. (Link)
September 13 - CMC-opposed bills AB 1330 (double DTSC and air pollution fines based on zip code) and SB 691 (ten-fold increase for non-vehicular air pollution fines) are both sent to the inactive list and dead for 2013. (Bill Search)
September 12 - Legislature prepares to pass first minimum wage increase since 2008. AB 10 would increase the state minimum wage to $9.00 in 2014 and $10.00 in 2016. (Legislation)
September 11 - CMC-endorsed legal counsel Bill Funderburk, partner, Castellon and Funderburk Law Firm is officially appointed to the Los Angeles DWP Board of Directors. (Video)
September 9 - CMC opposes a new bill, AB 1330, that would double penalties for metal manufacturers located in EJ areas. (Letter)
September 5 - CMC secures Assemblymember Mike Gatto for its roundtable meeting in San Leandro on October 31. (Registration/Flyer)
September 3 - CMC-supported bill, AB 393, is signed into law. The bill provides centralized information for business on permits and fees. (Legislation)
August 2013
August 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
August 28 - Ventura County Air Pollution Control District holds meeting on proposed rule for metalworking fluids and direct contact lubricants. (Flyer)
August 27 - CMC secures Governor Brown advisor and Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer for Sept 19 meeting in San Leandro. (Registration/Flyer)
August 26 - California Senate sends AB 841, a bill that would eliminate cash for most nonferrous transactions, to Governor Brown. (Legislation)
August 19 - CMC helps extend comment deadline (until Sept 12) for draft industrial storm water permit. (SWRCB Letter)
August 15 - CMC supports SB 399, a bill related to timely payments from DGS to metalworking contractors. (Letter)
August 12 - State Water Board schedules three workshops/hearings on industrial storm water in August. The industrial storm water permit impacts all metal companies in California. (Link)
August 4 - Court ruling moves California closer to limiting the amount of hexavalent chromium in the state's drinking water. (Article)
August 2 - Bay Area AQMD publishes article on new regulation for metal processing facilities. (Link)
August 1 - Norm Plotkin named new Executive Director of the Metal Finishing Association of Southern California. (Link)
August 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
August 28 - Ventura County Air Pollution Control District holds meeting on proposed rule for metalworking fluids and direct contact lubricants. (Flyer)
August 27 - CMC secures Governor Brown advisor and Orinda Mayor Steve Glazer for Sept 19 meeting in San Leandro. (Registration/Flyer)
August 26 - California Senate sends AB 841, a bill that would eliminate cash for most nonferrous transactions, to Governor Brown. (Legislation)
August 19 - CMC helps extend comment deadline (until Sept 12) for draft industrial storm water permit. (SWRCB Letter)
August 15 - CMC supports SB 399, a bill related to timely payments from DGS to metalworking contractors. (Letter)
August 12 - State Water Board schedules three workshops/hearings on industrial storm water in August. The industrial storm water permit impacts all metal companies in California. (Link)
August 4 - Court ruling moves California closer to limiting the amount of hexavalent chromium in the state's drinking water. (Article)
August 2 - Bay Area AQMD publishes article on new regulation for metal processing facilities. (Link)
August 1 - Norm Plotkin named new Executive Director of the Metal Finishing Association of Southern California. (Link)
July 2013
July 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
July 30 - CMC meets with state Senator Norma Torres (D-Pomona) at Vista Metals Corp in Fontana. Discussion includes Enterprise Zones and AB 841. (Photo)
July 24 - CMC remembers founding member and past President Aubrey Shafer, McGraw Foundry. (Article)
July 22 - The metals industry supports law enforcement to curb metal theft through ISRI's Register for free. (Link)
July 19 - State Water Resources Control Board releases updated draft industrial storm water permit that impacts all metal companies in California. Public workshops begin August 9. (Storm Water Page)
July 17 - State Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D-Union City) attends CMC roundtable and tours machining facility, Selway Tool. (Photos)
July 12 - CMC joins Oakland City Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney on a tour of metal art facility American Steel, metal education center The Crucible, as well as Oakland’s Schnitzer Steel and CASS Inc.
July 11 - Governor Brown signs into law CMC-supported legislation to revamp Enterprise Zones and create statewide tax incentives for all metal companies. (Article)
July 5 - Metal art displayed around the world is made in Oakland, and featured in Metropolis magazine. (Article)
July 1 - Bay Area AQMD reporting requirement for new metals rule 12-13 is due July 30. Report focuses on federal NESHAPs. (Advisory)
July 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
July 30 - CMC meets with state Senator Norma Torres (D-Pomona) at Vista Metals Corp in Fontana. Discussion includes Enterprise Zones and AB 841. (Photo)
July 24 - CMC remembers founding member and past President Aubrey Shafer, McGraw Foundry. (Article)
July 22 - The metals industry supports law enforcement to curb metal theft through ISRI's Register for free. (Link)
July 19 - State Water Resources Control Board releases updated draft industrial storm water permit that impacts all metal companies in California. Public workshops begin August 9. (Storm Water Page)
July 17 - State Assemblymember Bill Quirk (D-Union City) attends CMC roundtable and tours machining facility, Selway Tool. (Photos)
July 12 - CMC joins Oakland City Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney on a tour of metal art facility American Steel, metal education center The Crucible, as well as Oakland’s Schnitzer Steel and CASS Inc.
July 11 - Governor Brown signs into law CMC-supported legislation to revamp Enterprise Zones and create statewide tax incentives for all metal companies. (Article)
July 5 - Metal art displayed around the world is made in Oakland, and featured in Metropolis magazine. (Article)
July 1 - Bay Area AQMD reporting requirement for new metals rule 12-13 is due July 30. Report focuses on federal NESHAPs. (Advisory)
June 2013
June 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
June 30 - CMC-supported legislation to revamp Enterprise Zones and create statewide tax incentives for all metal companies is passed to Governor Brown. (AB 93)
June 28 - CMC renews its financial support for the Reshoring Initiative program. (Link)
June 26 - CMC submits letter to entire Assembly supporting AB 93, Enterprise Zone reform and statewide sales and use tax exemptions. (Link)
June 24 - CMC supports AB 890, a bill that would change California's Made in USA law to bring it in line with federal standards. (Letter)
June 21 - CMC speaks at National Tool and Machining Association (NTMA), San Diego Chapter, meeting. Topics were storm water, contact lubricants rule, potential tooling tax exemption, and more. (Link)
June 17 - CMC supports AB 1098, a bill that would require the state to commission a study every 5 years on the cost of state regulations. Democrat Assemblymember Quirk Silva (D-Buena Park) is the author. (Letter)
June 14 - CMC supports ISRI West Coast Chapter (scrap recyclers) annual golf tournament as a Silver Sponsor. (Pic)
June 12 - State Senator Norma Torres will speak at CMC's industy roundtable on July 30 in Fontana. (Flyer)
June 11 - CMC represents metal companies on tax exemption for equipment purchases, and potential enterprise zones changes. (Governor Presentation)
June 10 - CMC joins coalition of business groups to oppose new fees for DTSC Green Chemistry Initiative. (Flyer)
June 3 - State Assemblymember Bill Quirk will speak at CMC's industy roundtable on July 17 in Union City. (Flyer)
June 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
June 30 - CMC-supported legislation to revamp Enterprise Zones and create statewide tax incentives for all metal companies is passed to Governor Brown. (AB 93)
June 28 - CMC renews its financial support for the Reshoring Initiative program. (Link)
June 26 - CMC submits letter to entire Assembly supporting AB 93, Enterprise Zone reform and statewide sales and use tax exemptions. (Link)
June 24 - CMC supports AB 890, a bill that would change California's Made in USA law to bring it in line with federal standards. (Letter)
June 21 - CMC speaks at National Tool and Machining Association (NTMA), San Diego Chapter, meeting. Topics were storm water, contact lubricants rule, potential tooling tax exemption, and more. (Link)
June 17 - CMC supports AB 1098, a bill that would require the state to commission a study every 5 years on the cost of state regulations. Democrat Assemblymember Quirk Silva (D-Buena Park) is the author. (Letter)
June 14 - CMC supports ISRI West Coast Chapter (scrap recyclers) annual golf tournament as a Silver Sponsor. (Pic)
June 12 - State Senator Norma Torres will speak at CMC's industy roundtable on July 30 in Fontana. (Flyer)
June 11 - CMC represents metal companies on tax exemption for equipment purchases, and potential enterprise zones changes. (Governor Presentation)
June 10 - CMC joins coalition of business groups to oppose new fees for DTSC Green Chemistry Initiative. (Flyer)
June 3 - State Assemblymember Bill Quirk will speak at CMC's industy roundtable on July 17 in Union City. (Flyer)
May 2013
May 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
May 29 - Ventura County Air District schedules July 1 workshop for proposed rule: Metalworking Fluids and Direct Contact Lubricants. (Notice)
May 24 - Bay Area AQMD publishes new rule, 12-13, for die casters, heat treaters, forgers and foundries. (Link)
May 23 - Bay Area AQMD publishes new rule, 6-4, for metal recyclers and shredders. (Link)
May 17 - State Assemblymember Isadore Hall address metals industry at CMC's 40th Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. (Link)
May 16 - CMC supports high school and college student scholarship and casting contest award ceremony by hosting event at 40th Annual Conference.(Link)
May 15 - CMC co-hosts 12th Annual California Foundry History Institute golf event in Cypress, CA. (Link)
May 9 - US Economic Development Administration is providing grants focusing on the resurgence of manufacturing. Applications are due June 13, 2013. (Notice)
May 6 - CMC opposes AB 769, a bill that would eliminate Net Operating Loss carrybacks. (Letter)
May 4 - CMC Executive Director James Simonelli speaks at the GMP International Union conference in Sacramento. (Link)
May 3 - CMC successfully amends two new BAAQMD metal rules before passage; also postpones rule to permit foundry core machines. (BAAQMD Announcement)
May 1 - Governor's Office to address metals industry at May 16-17 CMC Annual Conference. (Flyer)
May 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
May 29 - Ventura County Air District schedules July 1 workshop for proposed rule: Metalworking Fluids and Direct Contact Lubricants. (Notice)
May 24 - Bay Area AQMD publishes new rule, 12-13, for die casters, heat treaters, forgers and foundries. (Link)
May 23 - Bay Area AQMD publishes new rule, 6-4, for metal recyclers and shredders. (Link)
May 17 - State Assemblymember Isadore Hall address metals industry at CMC's 40th Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. (Link)
May 16 - CMC supports high school and college student scholarship and casting contest award ceremony by hosting event at 40th Annual Conference.(Link)
May 15 - CMC co-hosts 12th Annual California Foundry History Institute golf event in Cypress, CA. (Link)
May 9 - US Economic Development Administration is providing grants focusing on the resurgence of manufacturing. Applications are due June 13, 2013. (Notice)
May 6 - CMC opposes AB 769, a bill that would eliminate Net Operating Loss carrybacks. (Letter)
May 4 - CMC Executive Director James Simonelli speaks at the GMP International Union conference in Sacramento. (Link)
May 3 - CMC successfully amends two new BAAQMD metal rules before passage; also postpones rule to permit foundry core machines. (BAAQMD Announcement)
May 1 - Governor's Office to address metals industry at May 16-17 CMC Annual Conference. (Flyer)
April 2013
April 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
April 30 - CMC supports proposed new laws (AB 486 and SB 376) to exempt from sales and use tax the gross receipts from the sale, storage, use or other consumption qualified tangible personal property purchased for use in manufacturing, processing, refining, fabricating or recycling. (link)
April 26 - Bay Area AQMD proposes three new rules for metalworking industry, under Agenda Item 7. Board meeting is May 1 in San Francisco. (agenda)
April 24 - California DTSC orders suspension of operations for Exide Technologies as reports show hazardous waste has degraded the facility's underground pipes. (article)
April 18 - CMC opposes proposed new law (AB 818) that would allow cities to recover civil penalties in a civil action for specified violations of air quality laws. (letter)
April 15 - CMC supports proposed new law (AB 890) which would provide that a product made all or virtually all in the US, according to the FTC, shall be deemed Made in USA. (link)
April 10 - CMC supports proposed new law (AB 909) which would establish a Metal Theft Task Force Program and provide grants to local law enforcement and district attorneys. (link)
April 4 - So Cal Gas Company is hosting a May 8 business expo in Pomona for metalworking businesses. (flyer)
April 2 - CMC joins a large coalition of businesses, cities and chambers to support AB 227. This bill would curb Prop 65 lawsuits. (letter)
April 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
April 30 - CMC supports proposed new laws (AB 486 and SB 376) to exempt from sales and use tax the gross receipts from the sale, storage, use or other consumption qualified tangible personal property purchased for use in manufacturing, processing, refining, fabricating or recycling. (link)
April 26 - Bay Area AQMD proposes three new rules for metalworking industry, under Agenda Item 7. Board meeting is May 1 in San Francisco. (agenda)
April 24 - California DTSC orders suspension of operations for Exide Technologies as reports show hazardous waste has degraded the facility's underground pipes. (article)
April 18 - CMC opposes proposed new law (AB 818) that would allow cities to recover civil penalties in a civil action for specified violations of air quality laws. (letter)
April 15 - CMC supports proposed new law (AB 890) which would provide that a product made all or virtually all in the US, according to the FTC, shall be deemed Made in USA. (link)
April 10 - CMC supports proposed new law (AB 909) which would establish a Metal Theft Task Force Program and provide grants to local law enforcement and district attorneys. (link)
April 4 - So Cal Gas Company is hosting a May 8 business expo in Pomona for metalworking businesses. (flyer)
April 2 - CMC joins a large coalition of businesses, cities and chambers to support AB 227. This bill would curb Prop 65 lawsuits. (letter)
March 2013
March 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
March 29 - CMC submits written comments on three proposed BAAQMD metal rules. (Comments) BAAQMD Board Meeting on rules are May 1. (Notice)
March 26 - CMC opposes SB 691, a bill that proposes a tenfold increase (up to $100,000) in one-day nuisance penalties for metal manufacturing facilities. (letter)
March 22 - CMC hosts state Assembly member Cristina Garcia (D-Downey) at metals industry round table to discuss energy, workers' comp, and manufacturing concerns.
March 20 - Ventura County Air District proposes new rule for metalworking fluids. Example processes include: cutting, drilling, forging, grinding, quenching, stamping, tapping, threading, turning, or wire drawing. Hearing is on April 29. (Notice)
March 18 - Stationary Source Committee of the Bay Area AQMD reviews proposed metal rules. CMC provides oral testimony in attendance. (Presentation)
March 14 - CASS Inc, Oakland, hosts round table conference with special guest Oakland city council member Rebecca Kaplan.(Link)
March 12 - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors votes down CMC-opposed parcel tax for storm water, 4-1. The tax would have cost metal companies nearly $10,000 per year. (Information)
March 7 - Bay Area AQMD releases updated drafts of two rules impacting metal melters, forgers, recyclers and shredders. (Rules Link)
March 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
March 29 - CMC submits written comments on three proposed BAAQMD metal rules. (Comments) BAAQMD Board Meeting on rules are May 1. (Notice)
March 26 - CMC opposes SB 691, a bill that proposes a tenfold increase (up to $100,000) in one-day nuisance penalties for metal manufacturing facilities. (letter)
March 22 - CMC hosts state Assembly member Cristina Garcia (D-Downey) at metals industry round table to discuss energy, workers' comp, and manufacturing concerns.
March 20 - Ventura County Air District proposes new rule for metalworking fluids. Example processes include: cutting, drilling, forging, grinding, quenching, stamping, tapping, threading, turning, or wire drawing. Hearing is on April 29. (Notice)
March 18 - Stationary Source Committee of the Bay Area AQMD reviews proposed metal rules. CMC provides oral testimony in attendance. (Presentation)
March 14 - CASS Inc, Oakland, hosts round table conference with special guest Oakland city council member Rebecca Kaplan.(Link)
March 12 - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors votes down CMC-opposed parcel tax for storm water, 4-1. The tax would have cost metal companies nearly $10,000 per year. (Information)
March 7 - Bay Area AQMD releases updated drafts of two rules impacting metal melters, forgers, recyclers and shredders. (Rules Link)
February 2013
February 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
February 28 - CMC opposes SB 626, a bill that would make significant changes to workers' comp, including permit Chiropractors to serve as Primary Treating Physicians beyond the 24 visit cap; allow the Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) to over-rule IMR determinations; require Utilization Review (UR) and Independent Medical Review (IMR) physicians reviewing treatment requests to hold the same type of license as the requesting physician (i.e. only chiropractors may review chiropractors); permit an increase in permanent disability ratings for psychological injuries that arise out of a physical injury; and eliminates the confidentiality of IMR reviewers. (Letter)
February 26 - Companies residing in Los Angeles County are encouraged to protest the parcel tax for storm water. (Protest Form)
February 25 - Wells Fargo Bank Chief Economist Mark Vitner confirms as speaker at CMC Annual Conference, May 16-17. (Agenda)
February 21 - Senator Kevin DeLeon questions the actions of DTSC with a letter to Director Rafael requesting answers for allegations of policy and enforcement. Some of his allegations are referenced in the publication Golden Wasteland. (DeLeon Letter)
February 15 - Join the California Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) on March 13 for their day at the Capitol. (Flyer)
February 11 - California DTSC releases its report on drinking water products pulled and testing against AB 1953 standards. (Publication)
February 6 - CMC supports AB 227 (Gatto-D) which curbs frivolous Prop 65 lawsuits. (Article)
February 2 - The Foundry History Museum of Sacramento participants in Saturday's free museum day. (Sac Bee Article)
February 1 - Comments submitted on OEHHA's CalEnviroScreening tool. (Letter)
February 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
February 28 - CMC opposes SB 626, a bill that would make significant changes to workers' comp, including permit Chiropractors to serve as Primary Treating Physicians beyond the 24 visit cap; allow the Workers Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) to over-rule IMR determinations; require Utilization Review (UR) and Independent Medical Review (IMR) physicians reviewing treatment requests to hold the same type of license as the requesting physician (i.e. only chiropractors may review chiropractors); permit an increase in permanent disability ratings for psychological injuries that arise out of a physical injury; and eliminates the confidentiality of IMR reviewers. (Letter)
February 26 - Companies residing in Los Angeles County are encouraged to protest the parcel tax for storm water. (Protest Form)
February 25 - Wells Fargo Bank Chief Economist Mark Vitner confirms as speaker at CMC Annual Conference, May 16-17. (Agenda)
February 21 - Senator Kevin DeLeon questions the actions of DTSC with a letter to Director Rafael requesting answers for allegations of policy and enforcement. Some of his allegations are referenced in the publication Golden Wasteland. (DeLeon Letter)
February 15 - Join the California Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) on March 13 for their day at the Capitol. (Flyer)
February 11 - California DTSC releases its report on drinking water products pulled and testing against AB 1953 standards. (Publication)
February 6 - CMC supports AB 227 (Gatto-D) which curbs frivolous Prop 65 lawsuits. (Article)
February 2 - The Foundry History Museum of Sacramento participants in Saturday's free museum day. (Sac Bee Article)
February 1 - Comments submitted on OEHHA's CalEnviroScreening tool. (Letter)
January 2013
January 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
January 21- Comments are due Friday, January 25 for OEHHA's CalEnviroScreening tool. (Sample Letter)
January 14- CMC letter on Enterprise Zone picked up by Sacramento Bee. (Letter)
January 11 - CMC reaches out to state Senator Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) on updating tax incentives for high-end manufacturers. This includes Enterprise Zone credits. (Letter)
January 10 - California Air Resources Board proposes amendments to the chrome plating ATCM. (Link)
January 9 - CMC opposes LA County Parcel Tax, which is being heard January 15. (Letter)
January 8 - Supreme Court rules against environmentalists in Los Angeles storm water runoff lawsuit. LA Times
January 7 - Committee assignments have been made for the California state Assembly and state Senate. (List of Assignments)
January 3 - CMC opposes the Los Angeles County Parcel Fee for storm water, as currently proposed. Companies are urged to write a letter and attend the January 15 hearing. (Link)
January 2013 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update published.
January 21- Comments are due Friday, January 25 for OEHHA's CalEnviroScreening tool. (Sample Letter)
January 14- CMC letter on Enterprise Zone picked up by Sacramento Bee. (Letter)
January 11 - CMC reaches out to state Senator Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) on updating tax incentives for high-end manufacturers. This includes Enterprise Zone credits. (Letter)
January 10 - California Air Resources Board proposes amendments to the chrome plating ATCM. (Link)
January 9 - CMC opposes LA County Parcel Tax, which is being heard January 15. (Letter)
January 8 - Supreme Court rules against environmentalists in Los Angeles storm water runoff lawsuit. LA Times
January 7 - Committee assignments have been made for the California state Assembly and state Senate. (List of Assignments)
January 3 - CMC opposes the Los Angeles County Parcel Fee for storm water, as currently proposed. Companies are urged to write a letter and attend the January 15 hearing. (Link)