Metalworking Industry News: 2010
- December 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- December 23 - SCAQMD Issues Advisory Notice on Changes to Rule 1147 (Document)
- December 20 - SCAQMD begins revoking NOV's and NC's in relation to Rule 1147.
- December 17- CMC meets with SCAQMD Barry Wallerstein to discuss Rule 1147.
- December 8 & 12- CMC meets with SCAQMD Board Members to discuss (Rule 1147)
- November 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- November 20 - CARB's fact sheet on cap-and-trade is available for download: (Link)
- November 15 - South Coast AQMD is conducting rulemaking on coating of metal parts. The next working group meeting is November 17. (Link)
- November 2 - ELECTION DAY. Be sure to represent your business and vote.
- November 1 - California Air Resources Board releases the first-in-the-nation comprehensive, mandatory emissions trading system for greenhouse gases (a.k.a. Cap-and-Trade). The 1,000 page report will be voted upon December 16. CMC will be representing its members at this hearing. (Link)
- October 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- October 28 - CMC works with business allies on Green Chemistry Initiative, which is being implemented by the DTSC. The initiative will study all chemicals in consumer products and regulate certain products that contain these chemicals. Manufacturers will have to determine if safe alternatives exist. (Report)
- October 25 - UCLA approaches CMC to establish a report on the metals industry. UCLA's goal is to identify the trends and challenges facing California metal manufacturers in order to anticipate and develop public policies addressing the needs of this large industrial sector.
- October 16 - CMC participates in Environmental Justice Town Hall Meeting in Oakland, administered by Congresswoman Barbara Lee and US EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. CMC believes elected officials must find a true balance between economic opportunity and environmental justice for low income areas.
- October 14 - The Yes on Prop 26, No on Prop 25 campaign receives support from the CMC PAC.
- October 11 - California Chamber of Commerce publishes its annual Major Business Bills report. CMC's legislation (SB 1224) made the list. Only 44 bills signed into law were highlighted. (Report)
- October 9 - CMC supports the Bay Area Manufacturing Renaissance Council, which is modeled after the Chicago project. Advanced manufacturing is the only sector that can build a large middle class-a pre-requisite for a sustainable society. It is the sector that can solve the environmental crisis rather than just react to it. (Report)
- October 6 - The 6th District Court of Appeals affirms the WCAB decision giving physicians leeway to rate workers' comp permanent disability cases by analogy rather than by strictly applying the American Medical Association (AMA) guidelines. An appeal is expected to be filed.
- October 4 - North American Metals Council provides testimony to OEHHA's green chemisty hazard traits and why the proposed hazard traits of persistence, bioaccumulation, and biopersistence cannot be applied to metal and metal substances. (Report)
- October 2 - Metalworking facilities should review their Large Spark Ignition (LSI) forklifts, sweepers, generators, pumps, welders and other equipment to fit CARB guidelines. (Link)
- October 1 - California economy would be in worse shape if it was not for strong foreign demand of California's manufactured goods, including metal products. Read Beacon Economics article (Link)
- September 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- September 28 - CMC sponsored legislation, SB 1224 (Wright-D), is signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. The bill seeks to reform California's odor nuisance law. (SB 1224)
- September 23 - CMC testifies at California's State Board of Food and Agriculture to discuss jobs as social justice. Manufacturing jobs, in particular, are still the quickest route from the lower to middle class for Californians. This opportunity for lower class citizens is being reduced every year and elected officials need to take notice. (Agenda)
- September 21 - CMC joins business coalition to oppose CARB's proposed SB 375 targets. (Letter)
- September 20 - CMC member California Metal-X is a featured panelist at the Global Urban Manufacturing Institute's (GUMI) September 23rd Event at USC.(Invitation)
- September 13 - CMTA publishes report on the real cost of green jobs. CMC members provide both green and blue collar jobs for Californians, both of which are important to the state economy.(Report)
- September 10 - CMC urges Governor Schwarzenegger to sign it's sponsored legislation, SB 1224 (Wright), into law. (Letter)
- September 9 - 850,000 member US Steelworkers union files free trade accusation against China for illegal clean energy subsidies. (Article)
- September 3 - BAAQMD releases final Clean Air Plan 2010-2011 which includes new regulations for metalworking facilities, including metal melting and use of solvents and lubricants.(Report)
- August 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- August 31 - Southern California business targeted by vanilla and coffee odor complaints, and VOC emissions. (Article)
- August 27 - CMC sponsored legislation, SB 1224 (Wright-D), passes full Legislature and heads to Governor Schwarzenegger. The bill seeks to reform California's odor nuisance law. (SB 1224)
- August 5 - California's Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau WCIRB suggests a 30% premium increase for January 1, 2011. CMC will oppose this suggestion at the Insurance Commissioner.
- July 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- July 29 - US House of Representatives passes a bill to establish a national Manufacturing Strategy Board to analyze the state of the U.S. manufacturing industry and would advise the president and U.S. Congress on issues affecting that sector of the economy. The bill passed by a vote of 379-38. The bill, part of the Democrats Make It In America strategy, also would require the president to submit a manufacturing strategy policy plan to Congress by July of the second year of each presidential term.
- July 27 - Metalworking facilities are encourged to participate as exhibitors in the 1st Annual Southeast Los Angeles Job fair in the city of Maywood, August 21. (Flyer) (Registration)
- July 23 - CMC supports federal legislation National Manufacturing Strategy Act of 2010 H.R. 4692 which would create a Manufacturing Strategy Board that would work to conduct an in-depth analysis of the nation's manufacturing sector, and develop a strategy for enhancing its competitiveness. (Link)
- July 18 - California's government-run electronic waste (E-Waste) program stands out not as a model of the green innovation for which California is famous but as an example of good intentions gone awry. (Article)
- July 2 - The Bay Area Air Quality Management District is holding a workshop August 2 in Oakland to review the science of odor monitoring. CMC has been lobbying for more science based regulations for odor. (Flyer)
- June 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- June 25 - Producing more clean energy products (wind, solar, etc) in the US, rather than predominantly importing is being pushed by Congress and private unions. (Article)
- June 23 - CMC joins coalition of business groups to oppose SB 928. This legislation would prohibit the manufacture, sale or distribution of products unless the manufacturer discloses each ingredient contained in the product. Such disclosure would be provided on the manufacturer’s website with a link to the website on the product label. (Letter)
- June 22 - South Coast Air Quality Management District's Permit Penalty Holiday concludes on August 4. Facilities in the SCAQMD should review their permits and equipment and consider this program. (Flyer)
- June 21 - CMC sponsored legislation, SB 1224 (Wright), passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee. The bill seeks to reform California's odor nuisance law. (Hearing Video)
- June 18 - California Building Standards Commission recent decision backs the safety of metal piping over plastic PEX in construction projects. (Article)
- June 17 - California needs to offer all opportunities to its youth, including Vocational Training. UK author in The Economist writes about America’s misplaced disdain for vocational education. (Article)
- June 9 - CMC presses US Senate to support the Murkowski-Lincoln Resolution that would remove the authority of US EPA to regulate greenhouse gases. This issue should be handled by Congress. (Letter)
- June 8 - CMC-supported Proposition 14 passes with 54% of the popular vote. The measure sends a message to Sacramento as primaries will now be open and not limited to political party. (Sacramento Bee Editorial)
- May 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- May 24 - Fed-OSHA announces stricter penalty structure to regional offices. Cal-OSHA has been alerted to implement new structure. (Report)
- May 17 - US Department of Commerce publishes Measuring the Green Economy. The report defines green jobs, products and services. Metalworking products and services are defined as green by this report, which was delivered to President Obama. CMC applauds the recognition of metalworking as green. (Report)
- May 10 - CMC joins business groups on letter to Governor Schwarzenegger pressing for a closer review of cap and trade costs (AB 32). (Letter)
- May 9 - CMC adds Attorney General Jerry Brown (D) and candidate for US Senate Tom Campbell (R) to its diverse annual meeting line-up. (Link)
- May 3 - SB 1224 (Wright) passes Senate EQ Committee 6-1. CMC is the sponsor of the bill
- April 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- April 26 - On-line training resource offers help to lower or eliminate combustible dust accidents. Video is offered in English and Spanish. (Link)
- April 14 - CMC urges metalworking facilities to sign the petition to place an initiative on the ballot that would close the loophole in the law which allows taxes on products and services simply by calling them fees. (Link)
- April 13 - Governor Schwarzenegger announces the 2010 Conference on Small Business. The meeting will take place May 6 in Oakland at the Marriott. (Link)
- April 12 - BAAQMD reports to the Stationary Source Committee regarding an overview of metal melting and general processing. Future rulemaking is expected. (Presentation)
- April 7 - CMC-supported bill SB 960 provided oversight and accountability by requiring a thorough economic analysis of regulations proposed by CARB. A report conducted by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) would have focused on a cost benefit analysis and the technological feasibility of a regulation. The bill failed to pass the Senate Environmental Committee.
- April 6 - BAAQMD draft Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan includes a stationary source measure specific to metal facilties. (Document)
- April 2 - SCAQMD draft 2010 Clean Communities Plan includes a review of the agencies public nuisance rule, 402. Odor and dust complaints are linked to this rule. (Document)
- April 1 - CMC joins a diverse group of businesses to oppose the Jobs Tax Initiative, aimed at the 2010 November ballot. (Q&A)
- March 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- March 29 - CMC 2010 Annual Meeting packet is released. The meeting will be held May 20 and 21 in Downtown Sacramento. (Packet)
- March 25 - Report documents the economic and jobs impact of NUMMI's closing. NUMMI was the last automaker in California, located in Fremont, and employed 4,700. The average salary was $70,000/year. (Report)
- March 24 - Governor Schwarzenegger issues letter to CARB Chair Mary Nichols stressing a balanced approach to the implementation of AB 32. CMC supports the Governor's position. (Letter)
- March 17 - Fed-OSHA pursues rulemaking for combustible dust in metalworking facilities. (Document)
- March 16 - Senator Rod Wright (D-Compton) introduces legislation for the California Metals Coalition on February 19 to provide clarity to the state's odor regulation. The bill is SB 1224.
- March 12 - Los Angeles Times reports that much of the US economic recovery is being done on the back of manufacturing. Policies and regulations need to encourage manufacturing prosperity. (Article)
- March 11 - CMC hosts webinar with Aviva Energy to educate members and provide opportunities to participate in the new round of direct access (electricty deregulation). A limited portion of MW will be available due to the passing of SB 695 in 2009.
- March 10 - CMC hosts roundtable in Oakland with BAAQMD Board Member Carole Groom and Assembylmember Mike Villines.
- March 9 - South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is offering businesses a "permit application penalty holiday" until August 4, 2010. Companies can come into compliance without accruing additional fees or penalties. (Letter)
- February 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- February 26 - California Air Resources Board moves to mesh state vehicle emission rules with Feds. (Article)
- February 13 - A new web site,, combines non-partisan, factual, independently-sourced research with cutting-edge online tools for the California's Governor race. By visiting the site, voters can examine each candidate's track record and viewpoints using videos and other material.
- February 11 - CMC joins business allies to oppose 3% tax withholding on independent contractors. (Letter)
- February 4 - CMC asks Fed-EPA to deny the NRDC petition aimed at reversing SB 827, a bill which resolved the SCAQMD permitting issues. (Letter)
- January 2010 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
- January 22 - CMC-supported poll looks at the issues most important to voters. (Press Release) - (Poll Report)
- January 12 - CMC-member ACE Clearwater (Torrance) hosts Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as he unveils a new initiative to create 100,000 new jobs and attract new businesses to California. (Article)
- January 7 - Explosion at Wisconsin metal casting facility heightens awareness of combustible dust safety issues. (Article)
- January 4 - US slaps new duties on Chinese steel. (Article)
- January 3 - US to tax Chinese steel grating imports. (Article)
- January 2 - Report to Congress from US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on China's industrial policy and impact on the state of New York. (Download)