December 16 - Modern Casting releases the data list: Top 10 Metal Casting Producers of 2011. (Report)
December 12 - More scientific research demonstrates China's pollution is changing California's air and weather. (News Report)
December 8 - Court invalidates Governor Brown's budget item transfer of $150M in Gas Surcharge Funds to the General Fund. These funds are collected from ratepayers to be used in clean energy projects and equipment upgrades. CMC supports the court decision. (Court Decision)
December 6 - Court invalidates construction storm water permit, including Numeric Effluent Limits, which is a major victor for all businesses. (Court Decision)
December 1 - CMC ally Green Urban Manufacturing Initiative (GUMI) holds seminar on R&D Tax Credit. (Flyer)
November 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
November 15 - Cal OSHA has moved aluminum to the top of its priority review list. A health review is being held December 8 in Oakland. (Agenda)
November 5 - Undercover news report targets selling of stolen copper to metal facilities. (Video)
October 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
October 28 - California's independent state oversight agency, Little Hoover Commission, targets several state agencies regarding reforms needed. CMC supports this report. (Report)
October 27 - CMC submits comments to the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board. (Letter)
October 24 - CMC October Storm Water Conferences attract over 110 companies.
October 17 - Fed-EPA releases 2014 Plan for Environmental Justice that would impact metalworking companies where housing or schools were zoned next to industrial. (EPA Report)
October 8 - CMC-supported legislation, SB 734, signed into law. The bill requires local employment centers to start spending more of the $500 million in annual federal funding on vocational training — and less on helping the jobless write resumes, practice interviewing and search for work. (Article)
October 7 - CMC-supported legislation, SB 617, signed into law. The bill is a good first step at requiring economic analysis of proposed regulations. (Article)
September 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
September 30 - CMC provides testimony in opposition to the proposed BAAQMD Metal Rule. (BAAQMD Presentation)
September 28 - California's International Trade Development Council presentation is made available to CMC members. (Presentation)
September 27 - State Assemblymember Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) tours CMC member ACE Clearwater of Torrance.
September 26 - CMC members are encouraged to write a letter to the Senate Committee on Jobs regarding the draft storm water permit. The hearing is October 6 in Sacramento. (Draft Letter)
September 20 - State Assemblymember Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto) tours CMC member Airtronics of San Jose.
September 15 - CMC opposes Santa Ana Regional Water Board proposal to use end of pipe limits in the sector specific scrap metals storm water permit. (Letter)
September 8 - CMC Executive Director James Simonelli published in Capitol Weekly. (Article)
August 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
August 31 - Assemblymember Alejo publishes article on the job and economic loss of building the Bay Bridge in China. Article
August 23 - Los Angeles Business Journal covers adverse impact of proposed industrial storm water permit. CMC-member California Metal X is featured. Article
August 21 - KTVU Channel 2 (Fox) covers proposed metalworking industry rule. CMC defends metals industry. Video
August 18 - CMC supports Senator Wright's SB 939, a bill that protects the user funded Natural Gas Consumption Surcharge Fund. This fund is used for energy efficiency and facility improvement projects. Letter
August 12 - CMC submits comments in opposition of the Bay Area AQMD draft metals rule. The draft rule would have significant, adverse effects on metalworking facilities. Comments
August 10 - The South Coast AQMD has released a new draft of proposed rule 1147 (miscellanous NOx sources). A public hearing is scheduled for September 9. Workshop ReportDraft RulePublic Workshop Notice
August 9 - Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed legislation (SB 582) that would have required companies to absorb commuter costs (ex: public transit, vanpool, etc) for employees.
August 8 - A free conference on tips for small businesses to export has been scheduled for August 18 in Irwindale. Link
August 3 - Assemblymember Ricardo Lara addresses the potentially adverse effects of the draft industrial storm water permit. This permit impacts all metalworking facilities. Link
August 2 - CMC member CASS funds local industrial art classes for student interns.Link
July 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
July 27 - At an Oakland public hearing, over 250 metal workers, families, union leaders and small businesses oppose BAAQMD draft metal rule. (BAAQMD Presentation)
July 25 - Study on 2011 Scrap Recycling Industry Released. (Link)
July 5 - American Metal Market covers BAAQMD rulemaking for metal facilities. (Article)
July 1 - Governor Brown vetoes legislation, SB 104, that would have allowed farmworkers to unionize simply by collecting signed petition cards from workers rather than holding secret-ballot elections.
June 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
June 30 - Governor Brown signs state budget without changes to Enterprise Zones.
June 24 - Bay Area AQMD released proposed rule targeting metal melting and metal handling facilities. (Draft Rule)
June 22 - CalRecycle is moving forward on a rule, expected to take effect Jan 1, 2012, that would mandate commercial recycling for facilities that generate at least 4 cubic yards of solid waste per week. Here is a link to the draft rule: (Draft Rule)
June 21 - State Assemblymember Jeff Miller authors an article in opposition to the state water board actions on the draft Industrial storm water permit, and permit writing process. (Article)
June 17 - California Air Resources Board (CARB) announces department and staff changes, including changes to Stationary Source and Climate Change departments. (Notice)
June 16 - CMC speaks at NTMA San Francisco Chapter on local and statewide regulatory accomplishments benefiting metal compaines.
June 15 - CMC is invited to sit on the UCLA Advisory Board for testing lead free alloys. (Letter)
June 10 - California Redistricting Commission releases first draft of legislative and congressional districts. This action will have a major impact on future elections. (Link)
June 9 - South Coast AQMD to hold public workshop on Proposed Amended Rule 1107 Coating of Metal Parts and Products. (Notice)
June 7- CMC coordinates alternatives testing to eliminate greenhouse gas SF6 from the magnesium sand and investment casting process. CARB and Cal Poly Pomona are the lead agencies on the project.
May 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
May 31- CMC opposes Governor Brown's budget revision item to eliminate the Cal-OSHA Hearing Board. Letter
May 23- Fed-OSHA announces National Emphasis Program (NEP) targeting the metals industry. Notice
May 20- Ken Goecke, Scott Sales Co., receives the 2011 Tetzlaff Award. This award is the highest honor bestowed at the CMC Annual Meeting.
May 12- SCAQMD announces public hearing for NOx emissions from misc sources (PAR 1147). The hearing will take place July 8 in Diamond Bar. Notice
May 9- CMC opposes SB 535, a bill that would impose fees through a cap and trade system that does not yet exist. Letter
May 5- CMC opposes AB 1207, a bill that would effectively remove the statute of limitations in lawsuits for any claims related to exposure to a pollutant or hazardous substance. Letter
May 2- Bi-Partisan group of 24 Legislators oppose current industrial storm water draft permit. Letter
April 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
April 29- CMC submits written comments for the industrial storm water permit on behalf of members and its storm water group. CMC also participated in the WATER Coalition letter. Letter
April 27- Cal-OSHA is considering a new rule for liquids. The proposal defines a hazardous liquid as a substance capable of inflicting physical injury. A public hearing is being held June 16. Announcement
April 25- CMC opposes SB 535 (DeLeon-D)which would fund a new program (CalCHART) by drawing funds from a not yet developed cap and trade program. Letter
April 24- CMC supports SB 900 (Simitian-D)which would provide further transparency for the state and regional water boards. Letter
April 22- Happy Earth Day. The California metals industry is proud to be the state's largest recycler.
April 21- AB 1210; Bill would impose that storm water pollution plans be prepared by a civil engineer. Link
April 20- CMC member Arrowhead Brass releases a video for their Arrowbreaker internal backflow preventer device. Video
April 18- CMC partner GUMI is holding a conference on April 26 targeting opportunities in green manufacturing. Registration Flyer
April 6- CMC sends comments to BAAQMD Board of Directors on potential rulemaking for metal melting and metal handling. Testimony
April 4- CMC asks its members to take a survey on CMC's Freight Program. Survey
April 3- CMC and business coalition write letter to Governor Brown and State Water Resources Board opposing draft industrial storm water permit. Water Board LetterGovernor Letter
April 2- WCIRB expects a proposed increase of 40 percent for workers comp rates. CMC opposes this assessment. Article
March 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
March 31- CMC endorses the CASQA positions on the industrial storm water permit. Here is their presentation from March 28. Presentation
March 30- So Cal Gas Company announcing natural gas melting furnace seminar for April 19 in Downey, CA. Registration Form/Flyer
March 29- CMC provides testimony at public hearing opposing draft industrial storm water permit. Flyer
March 16- CMC joins business groups to oppose SB 178 (Simitian-D), a bill that would change important aspects of the Green Chemistry program Letter
March 15- CMC participates in SCAQMD Task Force meeting for Proposed Amended Rule 1147. Presentation.
March 14- OSHA releases an enforcement directive geared at Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Link.
March 10- Article in Wall Street Journal demonstrates the problems with outsourcing or offshoring emissions. This occurs when local manufacturing closes and production is moved to other countries. The net result is more pollution in our atmosphere. Article.
March 9 - CMC continues to work with allies from cities, business, and communities to save Enterprise Zones. Link
March 8- California Air Resources Board Advisory for new rule impacting consumer products used in California. Advisory.
March 5- CMC group buying partner for freight, LMI Inc, announces its new name and website: Newgistics Freight Services.
March 4- BAAQMD stationary source committee receives briefing on draft metal melitng and metal handling rule, which has not been released yet. (Report)
March 3- SCAQMD releases Task Force Meeting date of March 15 for Rule 1147. (Link)
March 1- Santa Ana Regional Water Board publishes draft storm water permit for metal scrap recyclers. (Link)
February 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
February 28 - CMC has partnered with the Green Urban Manufacturing Initiative (GUMI). GUMI is focusing much of its resources and attention on metal manufacturing. To assist with this process, please complete their simple 10 question survey.(Survey)
February 25 - BAAQMD Stationary Source Committee to discuss proposed rule impacting metal facilities on March 3. (Agenda)
February 22 - CMC supports the state's utility companies in opposition of Legislative action to rout funds collected on gas bills to the General Fund. (Letter)
February 20 - OEHHA (Cal-EPA) releases a report on lead risks from consumer products based on hand to mouth transfer. (Report)
February 15 - Fed-EPA NESHAP impacts secondary aluminum users. (Report)
February 12 - CMC participates in addressing concerns with OEHHA activities during the Brown Administration transition. (Letter)
February 9 - CMC submits written comments to the SCAQMD for PAR 1147, NOx emissions from combustion sources. (Letter)
February 7 - CMC gives written and oral testimony to the Assembly Budget Committee in opposition of eliminating Enterprise Zones for manufacturing. (Testimony)
February 4 - State Water Board releases draft industrial storm water permit which impacts all metal companies. Draft is very similar to the propsoal CMC helped defeat in 2005. (Link)
February 3 - Debate on antidumping tariffs for magnesium heats up with pending ITC vote. (Article)
January 2011 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is published. (Link)
January 28 - California continues to lose green jobs to other states as unemployment rises. Sacramento needs to respond quickly, as noted in letter from Assemblymember Brian Jones. (Letter)
January 27 - CMC lobbies with business coalition to oppose storm water fee increase to help balance the state general fund. (Letter)
January 17 - CARB is holding a public hearing on Jan 19, via web conference, regarding a proposed regulation to mandate a recycling program for businesses that generate over 4 cubic yards of waste/recyclables. (Link)
January 11 - CMC announces February 15th conference on SCAQMD Rule 1147: Misc NOx sources. (Download)
January 10 - SCAQMD announces public workshop for Rule 1147: Misc NOx sources, for January 26th at 1:30pm. (Download)
January 5 - The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has issued for public comment their proposed whole effluent toxicity (WET) Implementation Policy (Policy). This Policy may increase the number of false positive results for toxicity testing, to apply to both discharger effluent and stormwater. Comments on the Policy and due to the SWRCB by January 21, 2011.
January 2 - Cal-EPA and OEHHA publish Cumulative Impacts: Building a Scientific Foundation. The publication focuses on Environmental Justice and the impact on communities located near industry and mobile sources. (Download)