Metalworking Industry News: 2014
December 2014
December 17 - SCAQMD holds working group meeting for new metal melting rule, 1420.2. (Handout)
December 15 - Employers in Oakland need to prepare for Measure FF, 72 hours of paid sick leave, starting March 2, 2015. (Flyer)
December 9 - State Water Board releases IGP FAQs. (Document)
December 4 - CMC speaks at California League of Food Processors storm water conference. (Link)
December 3 - State Assembly announces committee chairs for 2015. (Letter)
December 17 - SCAQMD holds working group meeting for new metal melting rule, 1420.2. (Handout)
December 15 - Employers in Oakland need to prepare for Measure FF, 72 hours of paid sick leave, starting March 2, 2015. (Flyer)
December 9 - State Water Board releases IGP FAQs. (Document)
December 4 - CMC speaks at California League of Food Processors storm water conference. (Link)
December 3 - State Assembly announces committee chairs for 2015. (Letter)
November 2014
November 30 - CMC publishes November 2014 Industry Newsletter.
November 26 - Poster for new mandatory paid sick leave required January 1, 2015. (Poster and Notice)
November 20 - Prop 65 proposed changes can have big impact on metal companies. (Letter)
November 17 - California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Board meets to discuss mandatory retirement program under SB 1234. (Link)
November 10 - CMC joins allies to comment on OEHHAs draft air toxics hot spots program guidance manual. (Letter)
November 4 - Election Day: metalworking colleagues are reminded to vote today.
November 30 - CMC publishes November 2014 Industry Newsletter.
November 26 - Poster for new mandatory paid sick leave required January 1, 2015. (Poster and Notice)
November 20 - Prop 65 proposed changes can have big impact on metal companies. (Letter)
November 17 - California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Board meets to discuss mandatory retirement program under SB 1234. (Link)
November 10 - CMC joins allies to comment on OEHHAs draft air toxics hot spots program guidance manual. (Letter)
November 4 - Election Day: metalworking colleagues are reminded to vote today.
October 2014
October 31 - CMC publishes October 2014 Industry Newsletter.
October 30 - Storm Water conference held by CMC in Union City (Nor Cal) attracts over 60 attendees. (Link)
October 29 - SCAQMD holds symposium on assessing and managing toxic risk from alternative VOC compounds. (Announcement)
October 22 - Senate candidate Janet Nguyen meets with CMC members at Regional Roundtable. (Minutes)
October 20 - CMC granted Intervenor status on storm water lawsuit that impacts all metal companies. (Minutes)
October 16 - CMC partners with Coalition for a Prosperous America, California Chapter, on a San Diego conference focused on the needs of manufacturers. (Link)
October 14 - CMC speaks at National Tool and Machining Association (NTMA) Bay Area Chapter meeting. (Link)
October 10 - Metal manufacturers should check under band saw table for potential exposed blade, a possible OSHA violation. (Band Saw)
October 9 - Storm Water conference held by CMC in Downey (So Cal) attracts over 120 attendees. (Link)
October 3 - CMC celebrates national Manufacturing Day. (Events)
October 1 - Sandra Johnson Baros joins CMC as Director of Member Services. (Release)
October 31 - CMC publishes October 2014 Industry Newsletter.
October 30 - Storm Water conference held by CMC in Union City (Nor Cal) attracts over 60 attendees. (Link)
October 29 - SCAQMD holds symposium on assessing and managing toxic risk from alternative VOC compounds. (Announcement)
October 22 - Senate candidate Janet Nguyen meets with CMC members at Regional Roundtable. (Minutes)
October 20 - CMC granted Intervenor status on storm water lawsuit that impacts all metal companies. (Minutes)
October 16 - CMC partners with Coalition for a Prosperous America, California Chapter, on a San Diego conference focused on the needs of manufacturers. (Link)
October 14 - CMC speaks at National Tool and Machining Association (NTMA) Bay Area Chapter meeting. (Link)
October 10 - Metal manufacturers should check under band saw table for potential exposed blade, a possible OSHA violation. (Band Saw)
October 9 - Storm Water conference held by CMC in Downey (So Cal) attracts over 120 attendees. (Link)
October 3 - CMC celebrates national Manufacturing Day. (Events)
October 1 - Sandra Johnson Baros joins CMC as Director of Member Services. (Release)
September 2014
September 30 - CMC publishes September 2014 Industry Newsletter.
September 26 - BOE formally announces that the sales and use tax exemption for tooling is retroactive to July 1, 2014. (Link)
September 25 - AB 2313 fails to receive enough votes in the Senate to move forward. The bill originally proposed a 1% fee on all metal recycling transactions. (Link)
September 24 - CMC Board of Directors formally support Props 1 and 2, and oppose Prop 45. (Ballot Measures)
September 22 - CMC files lawsuit intervention on case between California Coastkeeper Alliance and State Water Resources Control Board. (Filing)
September 13 - Go-Biz announces meetings throughout October to educate manufacturers on the California Competes Tax Credit. (Link)
September 9 - CMC speaks at Western Aerosol Information Bureau's 42nd Annual Meeting in San Diego. (Link)
September 8 - CMC seeks Governor's veto on AB 1522: mandatory paid sick leave. (Letter)
September 7 - CMC seeks Governor's veto on AB 1897: forces employer to cover unpaid wage and workers' comp obligations of contractors. (Letter)
September 1 - California Legislature ends 2014 session. (Calendar)
September 30 - CMC publishes September 2014 Industry Newsletter.
September 26 - BOE formally announces that the sales and use tax exemption for tooling is retroactive to July 1, 2014. (Link)
September 25 - AB 2313 fails to receive enough votes in the Senate to move forward. The bill originally proposed a 1% fee on all metal recycling transactions. (Link)
September 24 - CMC Board of Directors formally support Props 1 and 2, and oppose Prop 45. (Ballot Measures)
September 22 - CMC files lawsuit intervention on case between California Coastkeeper Alliance and State Water Resources Control Board. (Filing)
September 13 - Go-Biz announces meetings throughout October to educate manufacturers on the California Competes Tax Credit. (Link)
September 9 - CMC speaks at Western Aerosol Information Bureau's 42nd Annual Meeting in San Diego. (Link)
September 8 - CMC seeks Governor's veto on AB 1522: mandatory paid sick leave. (Letter)
September 7 - CMC seeks Governor's veto on AB 1897: forces employer to cover unpaid wage and workers' comp obligations of contractors. (Letter)
September 1 - California Legislature ends 2014 session. (Calendar)
August 2014
August 31 - CMC publishes August 2014 Industry Newsletter.
August 30 - Legislature passes heavily amended mandatory paid sick leave bill, AB 1522. (Amended Bill)
August 29 - Senate rejects AB 2416, a bill that would allow employees to put wage liens on employer property. (Amended Bill)
August 26 - Stockton draft ordinance allows Chief of Police to close metal recyclers for violations they should have known. (Ordinance)
August 23 - Analysis released on Water Bond, Prop 1, which will appear on Nov 4 ballot. (Analysis)
August 22 - SCAQMD schedules Oct 29 symposium on managing toxic risks and VOC alternatives. (Registration)
August 20 - Bill comes due for California's old water pipes. (SacBee Article)
August 18 - CMC joins allies to submit comments on OEHHAs new draft hot spot guidance manual. (Letter)
August 15 - Article: "Is Chinese Pipe the Next Drywall Epidemic". (Article)
August 14 - Governor Brown signs new $7.5 billion water bond proposal that will appear on Nov 4 ballot. (Bond Outline)
August 12 - California Foundation for Commerce and Education publishes report showing the cost of business in California is 19 percent higher than other states. (Publication)
August 11 - CMC-member California Metal X appears in Los Angeles Business Journal opposing a bill that would allow employees to place liens on personal property for wage disputes. (LABJ)
August 7 - State Auditor publishes report stating that DTSC lacked diligence in cost recovery, which includes unbilled and uncollected funds. (Report)
August 2 - Lawyers for Clean Water and Coastkeeper Alliance file case management action against State Water Resources Control Board. Action seeks immediate changes to TMDLs and storm water IGP. (Lawsuit)
August 1 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 812 (DeLeon), a bill that would overhaul the DTSC permitting system for hazardous waste. (Letter)
August 31 - CMC publishes August 2014 Industry Newsletter.
August 30 - Legislature passes heavily amended mandatory paid sick leave bill, AB 1522. (Amended Bill)
August 29 - Senate rejects AB 2416, a bill that would allow employees to put wage liens on employer property. (Amended Bill)
August 26 - Stockton draft ordinance allows Chief of Police to close metal recyclers for violations they should have known. (Ordinance)
August 23 - Analysis released on Water Bond, Prop 1, which will appear on Nov 4 ballot. (Analysis)
August 22 - SCAQMD schedules Oct 29 symposium on managing toxic risks and VOC alternatives. (Registration)
August 20 - Bill comes due for California's old water pipes. (SacBee Article)
August 18 - CMC joins allies to submit comments on OEHHAs new draft hot spot guidance manual. (Letter)
August 15 - Article: "Is Chinese Pipe the Next Drywall Epidemic". (Article)
August 14 - Governor Brown signs new $7.5 billion water bond proposal that will appear on Nov 4 ballot. (Bond Outline)
August 12 - California Foundation for Commerce and Education publishes report showing the cost of business in California is 19 percent higher than other states. (Publication)
August 11 - CMC-member California Metal X appears in Los Angeles Business Journal opposing a bill that would allow employees to place liens on personal property for wage disputes. (LABJ)
August 7 - State Auditor publishes report stating that DTSC lacked diligence in cost recovery, which includes unbilled and uncollected funds. (Report)
August 2 - Lawyers for Clean Water and Coastkeeper Alliance file case management action against State Water Resources Control Board. Action seeks immediate changes to TMDLs and storm water IGP. (Lawsuit)
August 1 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 812 (DeLeon), a bill that would overhaul the DTSC permitting system for hazardous waste. (Letter)
July 2014
July 31 - CMC publishes July 2014 Industry Newsletter.
July 30 - Metalworking industry roundtable in Hercules includes guest speaker Rebecca Kaplan, candidate for Oakland Mayor. (Photo)
July 21 - BOE formally approved tooling tax exemption for metals industry. (Link)
July 17 - Article notes California's disparity between the richest counties and poorest counties is greater than the disparity between the richest and poorest states. (Article)
July 14 - Board of Equalization votes on Reg 1525.4 (tooling tax exemption) this week. (Meeting Notice)
July 8 - Water Board launches Storm Water Strategy Initiative to integrate new regulation. (Link)
July 4 - California Legislature on summer recess until August 4. (Calendar)
July 3 - New water bond discussions to resume in August after recent failures. (Article)
July 1 - Statewide manufacturing equipment tax exemption takes effect. (Download Form 1) (Download Form 2)
July 31 - CMC publishes July 2014 Industry Newsletter.
July 30 - Metalworking industry roundtable in Hercules includes guest speaker Rebecca Kaplan, candidate for Oakland Mayor. (Photo)
July 21 - BOE formally approved tooling tax exemption for metals industry. (Link)
July 17 - Article notes California's disparity between the richest counties and poorest counties is greater than the disparity between the richest and poorest states. (Article)
July 14 - Board of Equalization votes on Reg 1525.4 (tooling tax exemption) this week. (Meeting Notice)
July 8 - Water Board launches Storm Water Strategy Initiative to integrate new regulation. (Link)
July 4 - California Legislature on summer recess until August 4. (Calendar)
July 3 - New water bond discussions to resume in August after recent failures. (Article)
July 1 - Statewide manufacturing equipment tax exemption takes effect. (Download Form 1) (Download Form 2)
June 2014
June 30 - CMC publishes June 2014 Industry Newsletter.
June 26 - CMC-opposed split roll tax proposal, SB 1021, stopped in committee. (Bill)
June 24 - July 1 compliance deadline for SCAQMD Rule 1147 requirements approaching. (Notice)
June 20 - Sacramento Tree Foundation teams up with metals industry for art display. (Article)
June 18 - Congratulations to Vista Metals and California Steel Industries for receiving Champions of Manufacturing awards. (Link)
June 14 - CMC joins large coalition to submit comments on OEHHA's Prop 65 pre-regulatory draft. Significant concerns still exist. (Comment Letter)
June 13 - AB 1522 (Gonzalez-D) passes Senate committee. The CMC-opposed bill would require that all employers provide any employee who has worked in California for seven days with paid sick leave, at an accrual rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked. Any unused sick leave accrued in the preceding year could be carried over to the next year, which is a significant change in existing law. (Information)
June 12 - AB 1634(Skinner-D) passes Senate committee. The CMC-opposed bill proposes a costly double-appeal process that presumes guilt for employers and undermines due process with regards to citations for workplace safety violations. (Article)
June 9 - 1,953 individuals from 82 California cities oppose AB 2313: 1 percent tax on metal. (Petition)
June 6 - Advanced Manufacturing Outlook conference will be held June 24 at USC (Los Angeles). (Flyer)
June 4 - CMC sends letter to Senate Governmental Organization Committee opposing AB 2313 (Nestande-R). (Letter)
June 30 - CMC publishes June 2014 Industry Newsletter.
June 26 - CMC-opposed split roll tax proposal, SB 1021, stopped in committee. (Bill)
June 24 - July 1 compliance deadline for SCAQMD Rule 1147 requirements approaching. (Notice)
June 20 - Sacramento Tree Foundation teams up with metals industry for art display. (Article)
June 18 - Congratulations to Vista Metals and California Steel Industries for receiving Champions of Manufacturing awards. (Link)
June 14 - CMC joins large coalition to submit comments on OEHHA's Prop 65 pre-regulatory draft. Significant concerns still exist. (Comment Letter)
June 13 - AB 1522 (Gonzalez-D) passes Senate committee. The CMC-opposed bill would require that all employers provide any employee who has worked in California for seven days with paid sick leave, at an accrual rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked. Any unused sick leave accrued in the preceding year could be carried over to the next year, which is a significant change in existing law. (Information)
June 12 - AB 1634(Skinner-D) passes Senate committee. The CMC-opposed bill proposes a costly double-appeal process that presumes guilt for employers and undermines due process with regards to citations for workplace safety violations. (Article)
June 9 - 1,953 individuals from 82 California cities oppose AB 2313: 1 percent tax on metal. (Petition)
June 6 - Advanced Manufacturing Outlook conference will be held June 24 at USC (Los Angeles). (Flyer)
June 4 - CMC sends letter to Senate Governmental Organization Committee opposing AB 2313 (Nestande-R). (Letter)
May 2014
May 31 - CMC publishes May 2014 Industry Newsletter.
May 29 - Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) publishes report on benefits of recycling for economy. (Report)
May 27 - CMC opposes AB 2313, a bill that would impose a 1% tax on metal transactions. (Letter)
May 21 - CMC secured as Partner for Champions of Manufacturing summit featuring comedian Adam Corrola. The FREE event will take place June 18. Sign up to attend or watch on-line. (Register)
May 19 - CMC opposes potential bill to increase penalties ten-fold on Title V facilities. (Letter)
May 16 - Environmentalists file petition against State Water Resources Control Board-SWRCB on storm water TMDLs. (Petition)
May 14 - Manufacturing blog touts CMC 41st Annual Meeting, held last week. (Article)
May 12 - Laney College Manufacturing Career Fair will be held May 21 in Oakland. (Flyer)
May 9 - Governor Jerry Brown and lawmakers reach bi-partisan deal on rainy day fund. Proposal would be on Nov 4 ballot. (Article)
May 8 - Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome Horton keynotes CMC's 41st Annual Meeting in Anaheim. (Photo)
May 5 - In preparation for new draft rule, South Coast AQMD is visiting forge companies.
May 2 - CMC-supported AB 777 signed into law, providing an inventory exemption for spaceflight transportation. Numerous CMC members manufacture and supply metal products for this industry. (Law)
May 1 - DTSC Director Debbie Raphael announces she is leaving the agency. This leaves the top position open. (Press Release)
May 31 - CMC publishes May 2014 Industry Newsletter.
May 29 - Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE) publishes report on benefits of recycling for economy. (Report)
May 27 - CMC opposes AB 2313, a bill that would impose a 1% tax on metal transactions. (Letter)
May 21 - CMC secured as Partner for Champions of Manufacturing summit featuring comedian Adam Corrola. The FREE event will take place June 18. Sign up to attend or watch on-line. (Register)
May 19 - CMC opposes potential bill to increase penalties ten-fold on Title V facilities. (Letter)
May 16 - Environmentalists file petition against State Water Resources Control Board-SWRCB on storm water TMDLs. (Petition)
May 14 - Manufacturing blog touts CMC 41st Annual Meeting, held last week. (Article)
May 12 - Laney College Manufacturing Career Fair will be held May 21 in Oakland. (Flyer)
May 9 - Governor Jerry Brown and lawmakers reach bi-partisan deal on rainy day fund. Proposal would be on Nov 4 ballot. (Article)
May 8 - Board of Equalization Chairman Jerome Horton keynotes CMC's 41st Annual Meeting in Anaheim. (Photo)
May 5 - In preparation for new draft rule, South Coast AQMD is visiting forge companies.
May 2 - CMC-supported AB 777 signed into law, providing an inventory exemption for spaceflight transportation. Numerous CMC members manufacture and supply metal products for this industry. (Law)
May 1 - DTSC Director Debbie Raphael announces she is leaving the agency. This leaves the top position open. (Press Release)
April 2014
April 30 - CMC publishes April 2014 Industry Newsletter.
April 23 - CMC and business allies oppose AB 1132, a bill that would halt well stimulation treatments. (Letter)
April 22 - CMC Executive Director James Simonelli quoted on Sriracha odor complaints. (Article)
April 16 - LA Times reports on environmentalists sampling street gutters for storm water. (Article)
April 14 - California's Chapman University releases economic report on manufacturing. (Report)
April 11 - CMC supports AB 1660, which helps bring clarity to hiring and new illegal immigrant drivers licenses. (Letter)
April 1 - SWRCB unanimously passed a new industrial storm water permit, which impacts all metal companies in California. (Link)
April 30 - CMC publishes April 2014 Industry Newsletter.
April 23 - CMC and business allies oppose AB 1132, a bill that would halt well stimulation treatments. (Letter)
April 22 - CMC Executive Director James Simonelli quoted on Sriracha odor complaints. (Article)
April 16 - LA Times reports on environmentalists sampling street gutters for storm water. (Article)
April 14 - California's Chapman University releases economic report on manufacturing. (Report)
April 11 - CMC supports AB 1660, which helps bring clarity to hiring and new illegal immigrant drivers licenses. (Letter)
April 1 - SWRCB unanimously passed a new industrial storm water permit, which impacts all metal companies in California. (Link)
March 2014
March 31 - CMC publishes March 2014 Industry Newsletter.
March 27 - State Water Board publishes latest changes to draft storm water IGP. Hearing is April 1. (Download)
March 20 - CMC establishes new member program with (Link)
March 17 - Storm water enforcement ramps up with local weightmaster inspections. (Report)
March 14 - CMC expresses serious concerns with new draft Prop 65 warning requirements. (Document)
March 11 - CMC supports Coalition for Workplace Safety to oppose OSHA's proposal to release workplace injuries and illnesses, including the company, location and data. (Link)
March 10 - UCLA receives $1M grant to conduct on-site, clean electricity generation project at CMC member California Metal X. The project is titled: "Piloting a Combined Heat and Power Distributed Generation System Powered by Anhydrous Ammonia." (Notice of Proposed Awards)
March 9 - CMC works with a coalition of business groups to challenge OEHHA’s proposed labor code listing mechanism regulation (Prop 65). (Article)
March 6 - CMC participates in the American Foundry Society Southern California Chapter and North American Die Casting Association Chapter 30 vendor's night in Downey. (Flyer)
March 3 - CMC coordinates facility tour with Bay Area AQMD Executive Officer Jack Broadbent and local CMC member. (Link)
March 31 - CMC publishes March 2014 Industry Newsletter.
March 27 - State Water Board publishes latest changes to draft storm water IGP. Hearing is April 1. (Download)
March 20 - CMC establishes new member program with (Link)
March 17 - Storm water enforcement ramps up with local weightmaster inspections. (Report)
March 14 - CMC expresses serious concerns with new draft Prop 65 warning requirements. (Document)
March 11 - CMC supports Coalition for Workplace Safety to oppose OSHA's proposal to release workplace injuries and illnesses, including the company, location and data. (Link)
March 10 - UCLA receives $1M grant to conduct on-site, clean electricity generation project at CMC member California Metal X. The project is titled: "Piloting a Combined Heat and Power Distributed Generation System Powered by Anhydrous Ammonia." (Notice of Proposed Awards)
March 9 - CMC works with a coalition of business groups to challenge OEHHA’s proposed labor code listing mechanism regulation (Prop 65). (Article)
March 6 - CMC participates in the American Foundry Society Southern California Chapter and North American Die Casting Association Chapter 30 vendor's night in Downey. (Flyer)
March 3 - CMC coordinates facility tour with Bay Area AQMD Executive Officer Jack Broadbent and local CMC member. (Link)
February 2014
February 28 - CMC publishes February 2014 Industry Newsletter.
February 27 - CMC, as part of BizFed, meets with South Coast AQMD Chairman Bill Burke to discuss local issues impacting business. (Link)
February 26 - State Water Board rejects request to extend comment period for storm water industrial general permit (IGP). (Letter)
February 20 - Assemblymember Nestande R-Palm Desert introduces legislation that would assess a fee on payments made by scrap metal recycling centers. (News Article)
February 19 - SWRCB releases draft Industrial General Stormwater Permit, which impacts all metal companies. Comments due March 4. (Notice)
February 15 - Article mentions South Coast AQMD scrutiny of metal forge company and potential new metal rules. (LA Times Article)
February 8 - BOE continues workshops on Feb 18 for equipment sales tax exemption. CMC presses for tooling tax exemption as well. (Announcement)
February 3 - BAAQMD releases metals rule EMP template for May 1, 2014 regulation 12-13. (Guidance Document PDF) (EMP Template WORD)
February 2 - California general employment growth overshadowed by high-wage manufacturing employment losses. (Article)
February 1 - CMC presents at 3D Printer World Expo on additive metals printing. (Details)
February 28 - CMC publishes February 2014 Industry Newsletter.
February 27 - CMC, as part of BizFed, meets with South Coast AQMD Chairman Bill Burke to discuss local issues impacting business. (Link)
February 26 - State Water Board rejects request to extend comment period for storm water industrial general permit (IGP). (Letter)
February 20 - Assemblymember Nestande R-Palm Desert introduces legislation that would assess a fee on payments made by scrap metal recycling centers. (News Article)
February 19 - SWRCB releases draft Industrial General Stormwater Permit, which impacts all metal companies. Comments due March 4. (Notice)
February 15 - Article mentions South Coast AQMD scrutiny of metal forge company and potential new metal rules. (LA Times Article)
February 8 - BOE continues workshops on Feb 18 for equipment sales tax exemption. CMC presses for tooling tax exemption as well. (Announcement)
February 3 - BAAQMD releases metals rule EMP template for May 1, 2014 regulation 12-13. (Guidance Document PDF) (EMP Template WORD)
February 2 - California general employment growth overshadowed by high-wage manufacturing employment losses. (Article)
February 1 - CMC presents at 3D Printer World Expo on additive metals printing. (Details)
January 2014
January 31 - CMC publishes January 2014 Industry Newsletter.
January 29 - Laney College, Chabot College and De Anza College restarts machinist apprenticeship program. (Flyer)
January 27 - CMC submits comments on OSHA proposed PEL for silica which impacts metal casters. (Comment Letter)
January 23 - CMC participates in DTSC public workshop (Oakland) on metal shredder residuals. (Packet)
January 20 - New York Times reports that China industrial pollution reaches California. (New York Times)
January 19 - CMC opposes SB 626, which would undo many of the 2012 workers comp reforms, including Independent Medical Review practices. (Article)
January 15 - Cal-EPA holds hearing to transfer Drinking Water Program from Dept of Public Health to State Water Board. (Announcement)
January 14 - CMC-opposed split roll parcel tax bill to assess commercial properties at a higher rate than residential was stopped and amended. (AB 59 Bonta-Alameda)
January 13 - Bill targeting the expansion of paid family leave program was stopped and amended. (SB 761 DeSaulnier; D-Concord)
January 10 - Judges challenge US SEC over conflict minerals (metals) rules. (News)
January 9 - Los Angeles receives President's Promise Zone investment designation to counter issues outlined in 2020 Commission Report. (Time for Truth: Los Angeles Commission Report)
January 7 - DTSC sets Jan 14 and 23 public meetings on metal shredder residue. (Southern California) (Northern California)
January 3 - CMC submits letter to Board of Equalization (BOE) on use tax exemption for tooling. (Letter)
January 31 - CMC publishes January 2014 Industry Newsletter.
January 29 - Laney College, Chabot College and De Anza College restarts machinist apprenticeship program. (Flyer)
January 27 - CMC submits comments on OSHA proposed PEL for silica which impacts metal casters. (Comment Letter)
January 23 - CMC participates in DTSC public workshop (Oakland) on metal shredder residuals. (Packet)
January 20 - New York Times reports that China industrial pollution reaches California. (New York Times)
January 19 - CMC opposes SB 626, which would undo many of the 2012 workers comp reforms, including Independent Medical Review practices. (Article)
January 15 - Cal-EPA holds hearing to transfer Drinking Water Program from Dept of Public Health to State Water Board. (Announcement)
January 14 - CMC-opposed split roll parcel tax bill to assess commercial properties at a higher rate than residential was stopped and amended. (AB 59 Bonta-Alameda)
January 13 - Bill targeting the expansion of paid family leave program was stopped and amended. (SB 761 DeSaulnier; D-Concord)
January 10 - Judges challenge US SEC over conflict minerals (metals) rules. (News)
January 9 - Los Angeles receives President's Promise Zone investment designation to counter issues outlined in 2020 Commission Report. (Time for Truth: Los Angeles Commission Report)
January 7 - DTSC sets Jan 14 and 23 public meetings on metal shredder residue. (Southern California) (Northern California)
January 3 - CMC submits letter to Board of Equalization (BOE) on use tax exemption for tooling. (Letter)