Metalworking Industry News: 2015
December 2015
December 14: CMC supports ongoing Melting Crime Initiative. (News)
December 11: South Gate Mayor Jorge Morales (D) discusses industry environmental advancements at So Cal CMC Roundtable. (Link)
December 10: Changes occur at SCAQMD Governing Board. (Article)
December 9: Senator Steve Glazer (D) addresses metalworking industry leaders at Nor Cal CMC Roundtable. (Link)
December 6: Heat illness prevention is important for indoor operations. Cal-OSHA publishes a presentation. (Download)
December 4: SCAQMD prepared to vote on major RECLAIM overhaul. (Article)
December 2: Proponents expected to abandon 2016 ballot measure on split roll property tax. (Make it Fair)
December 14: CMC supports ongoing Melting Crime Initiative. (News)
December 11: South Gate Mayor Jorge Morales (D) discusses industry environmental advancements at So Cal CMC Roundtable. (Link)
December 10: Changes occur at SCAQMD Governing Board. (Article)
December 9: Senator Steve Glazer (D) addresses metalworking industry leaders at Nor Cal CMC Roundtable. (Link)
December 6: Heat illness prevention is important for indoor operations. Cal-OSHA publishes a presentation. (Download)
December 4: SCAQMD prepared to vote on major RECLAIM overhaul. (Article)
December 2: Proponents expected to abandon 2016 ballot measure on split roll property tax. (Make it Fair)
November 2015
November 30: SCAQMD making site visits to metalworking facilities in preparation to reopen rules 1407 and 1420. (Rules)
November 24: EEAP holding webinar on indoor heat prevention under Cal-OSHA. (Webinar)
November 20: CalEnviroScreen 2.0 is released with new data capabilities, including census tract search. (Link)
November 17: Eleven metal companies win awards from California Competes Tax Credit program. (Notice)
November 16: New manufacturing era meets new STEM education with the need for "21st Century" skills. (Article)
November 12: Cal-OSHA wins appeal on indoor heat. Metal companies should review IIPP program. (Article)
November 5: CMC joins allies to comment on proposed Prop 65 amendments. (Letter)
November 4: MiraCosta College offers training for CNC operation, blue print reading, mechatronics, and 3D printer. (Link)
November 1: CAEATFA to make available sales and use tax exemptions for manufacturers who utilize recycled feedstock. (Program Info)
November 30: SCAQMD making site visits to metalworking facilities in preparation to reopen rules 1407 and 1420. (Rules)
November 24: EEAP holding webinar on indoor heat prevention under Cal-OSHA. (Webinar)
November 20: CalEnviroScreen 2.0 is released with new data capabilities, including census tract search. (Link)
November 17: Eleven metal companies win awards from California Competes Tax Credit program. (Notice)
November 16: New manufacturing era meets new STEM education with the need for "21st Century" skills. (Article)
November 12: Cal-OSHA wins appeal on indoor heat. Metal companies should review IIPP program. (Article)
November 5: CMC joins allies to comment on proposed Prop 65 amendments. (Letter)
November 4: MiraCosta College offers training for CNC operation, blue print reading, mechatronics, and 3D printer. (Link)
November 1: CAEATFA to make available sales and use tax exemptions for manufacturers who utilize recycled feedstock. (Program Info)
October 2015
October 28: CMC joins allies to comment on OEHHA's pre-regulatory safe harbor for lead. (Letter)
October 23: Senator Bob Huff speaks at CMC Roundtable, hosted by Heraeus Precious Metals. (Photo)
October 19: October 19: SCAQMD calls Oct 28 workshop on Rule 1147, NOx reductions from miscellaneous sources. (Flyer)
October 17: October 17: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed SB 406, a bill that would have provided up to 24 weeks of family leave per year. (Press Release)
October 14: SCAQMD pursues grinding rule for metal forgers. (October 7 Presentation)
October 13: CMC comments on proposal to expand use of plastic pipe in hospitals. (Letter)
October 12: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 578, a bill that would negatively change OSHA notification requirements. (Press Release)
October 11: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 465, a bill to outlaw mandatory arbitration agreements as a condition of employment. (Press Release)
October 8: Governor Brown signs CMC-supported AB 288, to promote career technical education. (Press Release)
October 7: Owens Corning hosts Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Santa Clara) at CMC Roundtable. (Meeting)
October 6: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 305 (permanent disability, workers comp). (Press Release)
October 2: SCAQMD passes metal rule 1420.2, with minor amendments. (Board Packet)
October 28: CMC joins allies to comment on OEHHA's pre-regulatory safe harbor for lead. (Letter)
October 23: Senator Bob Huff speaks at CMC Roundtable, hosted by Heraeus Precious Metals. (Photo)
October 19: October 19: SCAQMD calls Oct 28 workshop on Rule 1147, NOx reductions from miscellaneous sources. (Flyer)
October 17: October 17: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed SB 406, a bill that would have provided up to 24 weeks of family leave per year. (Press Release)
October 14: SCAQMD pursues grinding rule for metal forgers. (October 7 Presentation)
October 13: CMC comments on proposal to expand use of plastic pipe in hospitals. (Letter)
October 12: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 578, a bill that would negatively change OSHA notification requirements. (Press Release)
October 11: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 465, a bill to outlaw mandatory arbitration agreements as a condition of employment. (Press Release)
October 8: Governor Brown signs CMC-supported AB 288, to promote career technical education. (Press Release)
October 7: Owens Corning hosts Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Santa Clara) at CMC Roundtable. (Meeting)
October 6: Governor Brown vetoes CMC-opposed AB 305 (permanent disability, workers comp). (Press Release)
October 2: SCAQMD passes metal rule 1420.2, with minor amendments. (Board Packet)
September 2015
September 30: CMC submits comments on OEHHA proposed Prop 65 listing of Furfuryl Alcohol. (Document)
September 27: ACR 94 (Gallagher R-3) declares Oct 2 as California Manufacturing Day. (Resolution)
September 24: Daughter of Southern California metal worker meets Pope to discuss immigration. (News Article)
September 21: EPA grants 1-year extension for the continued use of PFOS fume suppressants in chrome plating operations. (Notice)
September 18: CMC urges Governor to sign AB 199 (Eggman), which provides sales tax exemption on equipment purchases to businesses that process or utilized (metal) recycled feedstock. (CMC Letter)
September 14: Senator Bob Wieckowski (D) will speak at October 7 CMC roundtable meeting in Santa Clara. (Meeting)
September 11: Legislature concludes 2015 session in Sacramento. (Link)
September 9: South Coast AQMD holds workshop on early action measures for new health risk assessments (AB 2588). (Presentation)
September 8: CMC-opposed SB 654, hazardous waste, sent to inactive file for 2015. (Link)
September 6: OEHHA pursuing Furfuryl alcohol, used in certain sand binders, as Prop 65 carcinogen. (Notice)
September 4: State assembly elects new Floor Leader, Anthony Rendon (D-South Gate). (Article)
September 3: Governor Brown signs Made in USA bill, SB 633, into law. (Law)
September 1: SCAQMD releases updated metal rule (1420.2) language for October 2 Board Meeting. (Rule)
September 30: CMC submits comments on OEHHA proposed Prop 65 listing of Furfuryl Alcohol. (Document)
September 27: ACR 94 (Gallagher R-3) declares Oct 2 as California Manufacturing Day. (Resolution)
September 24: Daughter of Southern California metal worker meets Pope to discuss immigration. (News Article)
September 21: EPA grants 1-year extension for the continued use of PFOS fume suppressants in chrome plating operations. (Notice)
September 18: CMC urges Governor to sign AB 199 (Eggman), which provides sales tax exemption on equipment purchases to businesses that process or utilized (metal) recycled feedstock. (CMC Letter)
September 14: Senator Bob Wieckowski (D) will speak at October 7 CMC roundtable meeting in Santa Clara. (Meeting)
September 11: Legislature concludes 2015 session in Sacramento. (Link)
September 9: South Coast AQMD holds workshop on early action measures for new health risk assessments (AB 2588). (Presentation)
September 8: CMC-opposed SB 654, hazardous waste, sent to inactive file for 2015. (Link)
September 6: OEHHA pursuing Furfuryl alcohol, used in certain sand binders, as Prop 65 carcinogen. (Notice)
September 4: State assembly elects new Floor Leader, Anthony Rendon (D-South Gate). (Article)
September 3: Governor Brown signs Made in USA bill, SB 633, into law. (Law)
September 1: SCAQMD releases updated metal rule (1420.2) language for October 2 Board Meeting. (Rule)
August 2015
August 31: Labor Enforcement Task Force announces multi-agency action on manufacturing. (Letter)
August 25: SCAQMD moves metal melting rule 1420.2 to Oct 2nd board meeting in Los Angeles. (email)
August 21: Regional Water Board Member Bill Kissinger views AB&I (Oakland) storm water treatment system at CMC roundtable. (Photo)
August 19: CMC hosts SCAQMD Board Member Rutherford at Walker Corp in Ontario. (Photo)
August 15: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 673, hazardous waste. (Letter)
August 13: CMC member Custom Alloy Light Metals hosts Congresswoman Grace Napolitano. (Notice)
August 12: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 350 (de Leon). The bill would arbitrarily increase the Renewable Portfolio to 50% by 2030, mandate petroleum reduction 50% by 2030, and increase energy efficiency in buildings by 2030. Major concerns remain on how this will impact the metal manufacturing sector. (Letter)
August 7: California falls short of 75% recycling goals. Nearly 5% of metals go to landfill. (Article)
August 3: AB 32 funding available to metal companies in disadvantaged communities. (Link)
August 1: California Business Roundtable releases early ad opposing Split Roll Prop 13 property tax. CMC is opposed to the Split Roll Tax. (Video)
August 31: Labor Enforcement Task Force announces multi-agency action on manufacturing. (Letter)
August 25: SCAQMD moves metal melting rule 1420.2 to Oct 2nd board meeting in Los Angeles. (email)
August 21: Regional Water Board Member Bill Kissinger views AB&I (Oakland) storm water treatment system at CMC roundtable. (Photo)
August 19: CMC hosts SCAQMD Board Member Rutherford at Walker Corp in Ontario. (Photo)
August 15: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 673, hazardous waste. (Letter)
August 13: CMC member Custom Alloy Light Metals hosts Congresswoman Grace Napolitano. (Notice)
August 12: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 350 (de Leon). The bill would arbitrarily increase the Renewable Portfolio to 50% by 2030, mandate petroleum reduction 50% by 2030, and increase energy efficiency in buildings by 2030. Major concerns remain on how this will impact the metal manufacturing sector. (Letter)
August 7: California falls short of 75% recycling goals. Nearly 5% of metals go to landfill. (Article)
August 3: AB 32 funding available to metal companies in disadvantaged communities. (Link)
August 1: California Business Roundtable releases early ad opposing Split Roll Prop 13 property tax. CMC is opposed to the Split Roll Tax. (Video)
July 2015
July 31: SCAQMD Proposed metals rule 1420.2 will be heard September 4th by the Board of Directors. (Notice)
July 29: California Competes releases $200 million in new tax credits. (Link)
July 27: Go-BIZ opens new on-line portal to assist with permitting, regulations, incentives, and more. (Portal Link)
July 24 - Metal facilities may qualify for energy credit under California Industry Assistance program. Deadline is July 31. (LINK)
July 23 - CMC joins allies to comment on CARB Proposed Risk Management Guidance for Stationary Sources of Air Toxics (Letter)
July 21 - California Coastkeeper Alliance petition for writ of mandate (storm water industrial permit that impacts all of the California metals industry) denied. CMC was an intervenor in the case. (Legal Document)
July 19 - California Legislature on recess 7/19-8/15. (Legislative Calendar)
July 16 - CMC joins allies to comment on SCAQMD Proposed Regulation XX, NOx Reclaim "Shave". (Letter)
July 14 - Governor Brown signs emergency legislation to amend new mandatory paid sick leave law. (Article)
July 10 - CMC sets Northern California Regional Roundtable with special guest San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Quality Board Member William Kissinger (Flyer).
July 6 - CMC sets Southern California Regional Roundtable with special guest SCAQMD Board Member Janice Rutherford (Flyer)
July 2 - State Water Board extends storm water permit filing deadlines to August 14. (On-Line Announcement)
July 1 - All California employees (part and full time) now eligible for paid sick leave. (NPR Article)
July 31: SCAQMD Proposed metals rule 1420.2 will be heard September 4th by the Board of Directors. (Notice)
July 29: California Competes releases $200 million in new tax credits. (Link)
July 27: Go-BIZ opens new on-line portal to assist with permitting, regulations, incentives, and more. (Portal Link)
July 24 - Metal facilities may qualify for energy credit under California Industry Assistance program. Deadline is July 31. (LINK)
July 23 - CMC joins allies to comment on CARB Proposed Risk Management Guidance for Stationary Sources of Air Toxics (Letter)
July 21 - California Coastkeeper Alliance petition for writ of mandate (storm water industrial permit that impacts all of the California metals industry) denied. CMC was an intervenor in the case. (Legal Document)
July 19 - California Legislature on recess 7/19-8/15. (Legislative Calendar)
July 16 - CMC joins allies to comment on SCAQMD Proposed Regulation XX, NOx Reclaim "Shave". (Letter)
July 14 - Governor Brown signs emergency legislation to amend new mandatory paid sick leave law. (Article)
July 10 - CMC sets Northern California Regional Roundtable with special guest San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Quality Board Member William Kissinger (Flyer).
July 6 - CMC sets Southern California Regional Roundtable with special guest SCAQMD Board Member Janice Rutherford (Flyer)
July 2 - State Water Board extends storm water permit filing deadlines to August 14. (On-Line Announcement)
July 1 - All California employees (part and full time) now eligible for paid sick leave. (NPR Article)
June 2015
June 29 - Supreme Court upholds California's independent redistricting. (Los Angeles Times)
June 24 - Governor Brown signs $115 billion state budget. (Sacramento Bee)
June 20 - 2015-2016 state budget includes a new independent oversight panel for DTSC. (Article)
June 18 - CMC participates in 6th air district working group meeting on metal melting rule. (Slides)
June 17 - CMC joins allies to oppose AB 1075 bill that would change DTSC permitting. (Letter)
June 15 - SCAQMD Governing Board Retreat includes metals rule making schedule. (Slides)
June 13 - CARB announces June 16 and 18 workshops/webcasts on changes to risk assessment for permitting and notification. (Workshop)
June 11 - CMC opposes legislation (SCA 5) to require commercial and industrial properties to be taxed at regularly assessed values, not just values assessed when buildings and land change ownership (Prop 13). (News Article)
June 10 - SCAQMD schedules 6th workshop for proposed metal rule 1420.2. (Workshop)
June 8 - Alameda court denies Coast Keeper Alliance on petition to change new Industrial Storm Water Permit. (Document)
June 5 - Federal legislation would allow Governors to intervene in port disputes. (Los Angeles Daily News)
June 29 - Supreme Court upholds California's independent redistricting. (Los Angeles Times)
June 24 - Governor Brown signs $115 billion state budget. (Sacramento Bee)
June 20 - 2015-2016 state budget includes a new independent oversight panel for DTSC. (Article)
June 18 - CMC participates in 6th air district working group meeting on metal melting rule. (Slides)
June 17 - CMC joins allies to oppose AB 1075 bill that would change DTSC permitting. (Letter)
June 15 - SCAQMD Governing Board Retreat includes metals rule making schedule. (Slides)
June 13 - CARB announces June 16 and 18 workshops/webcasts on changes to risk assessment for permitting and notification. (Workshop)
June 11 - CMC opposes legislation (SCA 5) to require commercial and industrial properties to be taxed at regularly assessed values, not just values assessed when buildings and land change ownership (Prop 13). (News Article)
June 10 - SCAQMD schedules 6th workshop for proposed metal rule 1420.2. (Workshop)
June 8 - Alameda court denies Coast Keeper Alliance on petition to change new Industrial Storm Water Permit. (Document)
June 5 - Federal legislation would allow Governors to intervene in port disputes. (Los Angeles Daily News)
May 2015
May 31 - CMC opposes AB 304, a bill that would make last-minute changes to the new paid sick leave law. (Bill Search)
May 29 - California's Center for Jobs and Economy releases April 2015 report. Manufacturing employment remains below 2007 pre-recession job levels. (Research Report)
May 27 - AB&I chooses CMC-member MagneGas for faster, environmentally beneficial torch cutting. (Yahoo Finance)
May 14 - SCAQMD holds public workshop in Diamond Bar for proposed rule 1420.2. (Presentation)
May 12 - CalRecycle works to combat $55M aluminum can recycling refund (CRV) fraud. (Sac Bee Article)
May 10 - CMC opposes SB 563 which would undo the workers comp reform for utilization review. (Sac Bee Article)
May 8 - Senator Janet Nguyen and Assemblymember Don Wagner address metals industry at CMC Annual Conference. (Link)
May 4 - CMC announces June 25 Environmental Conference in Downey (So Cal). (Flyer)
May 1 - Cal OSHA looks at lowering the worker Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) for lead. (Agenda) (Draft) (Summary)
May 31 - CMC opposes AB 304, a bill that would make last-minute changes to the new paid sick leave law. (Bill Search)
May 29 - California's Center for Jobs and Economy releases April 2015 report. Manufacturing employment remains below 2007 pre-recession job levels. (Research Report)
May 27 - AB&I chooses CMC-member MagneGas for faster, environmentally beneficial torch cutting. (Yahoo Finance)
May 14 - SCAQMD holds public workshop in Diamond Bar for proposed rule 1420.2. (Presentation)
May 12 - CalRecycle works to combat $55M aluminum can recycling refund (CRV) fraud. (Sac Bee Article)
May 10 - CMC opposes SB 563 which would undo the workers comp reform for utilization review. (Sac Bee Article)
May 8 - Senator Janet Nguyen and Assemblymember Don Wagner address metals industry at CMC Annual Conference. (Link)
May 4 - CMC announces June 25 Environmental Conference in Downey (So Cal). (Flyer)
May 1 - Cal OSHA looks at lowering the worker Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) for lead. (Agenda) (Draft) (Summary)
April 2015
April 29 - NOx RECLAIM recalculation proposal causes concern. (Workshop Handout)
April 27 - SCAQMD announces Proposed Metal Melting Rule 1420.2, and May 14 workshop date. (Announcement) (Draft Rule) (Staff Report)
April 23 - Rule 1420.2 workshop handout for SCAQMD draft proposed rule. (Workshop Handout)
April 21 - CMC joins allies to support amended AB 543, a bill to improve Prop 65. (Letter)
April 19 - CMC supports AB 199, a bill to promote metal recycling and provide tax exemptions. (Fact Sheet)
April 18 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 673, a bill to change DTSC hazardous waste permitting system. (Letter)
April 17 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 350, a bill to increase renewables standard to 50%. (Letter)
April 16 - SCAQMD releases draft metal melting rule for lead 1420.2. Workshop will be held on April 23, 2015 at Diamond Bar. (Draft Rule)
April 11 - CMC speaks at West Coast Protective League union conference in Sacramento. (WCPL)
April 7 - Citizen lawsuits target 100 industrial facilities on storm water violations. (Article)
April 2 - Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) is set to request a 10.2% mid-year reduction in advisory workers compensation rates based on lower-than-expected medical losses and claim severity in the state. (Article)
April 1 - UC Davis study shows 5-10% of ozone pollution in San Joaquin Valley comes from Asia. (Sacramento Bee Article)
April 29 - NOx RECLAIM recalculation proposal causes concern. (Workshop Handout)
April 27 - SCAQMD announces Proposed Metal Melting Rule 1420.2, and May 14 workshop date. (Announcement) (Draft Rule) (Staff Report)
April 23 - Rule 1420.2 workshop handout for SCAQMD draft proposed rule. (Workshop Handout)
April 21 - CMC joins allies to support amended AB 543, a bill to improve Prop 65. (Letter)
April 19 - CMC supports AB 199, a bill to promote metal recycling and provide tax exemptions. (Fact Sheet)
April 18 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 673, a bill to change DTSC hazardous waste permitting system. (Letter)
April 17 - CMC joins allies to oppose SB 350, a bill to increase renewables standard to 50%. (Letter)
April 16 - SCAQMD releases draft metal melting rule for lead 1420.2. Workshop will be held on April 23, 2015 at Diamond Bar. (Draft Rule)
April 11 - CMC speaks at West Coast Protective League union conference in Sacramento. (WCPL)
April 7 - Citizen lawsuits target 100 industrial facilities on storm water violations. (Article)
April 2 - Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) is set to request a 10.2% mid-year reduction in advisory workers compensation rates based on lower-than-expected medical losses and claim severity in the state. (Article)
April 1 - UC Davis study shows 5-10% of ozone pollution in San Joaquin Valley comes from Asia. (Sacramento Bee Article)
March 2015
March 27 - California Coast Keeper Alliance responds to storm water intervention brief. (Legal Reply Brief)
March 16 - OEHHA adopts new toxic hot spot guidelines for AB 2588. (LINK)
March 11 - CMC supports AB 437, a bill that would allow cash out of R&D credits for small businesses. (Support Letter)
March 6 - CMC holds industry roundtable at ACE Clearwater, with guest Assemblymember David Hadley (R-Torrance). (Event)
March 5 - CMC participates in American Foundry Society of Soutthern California AFS/North American Die Casting Association NADCA Chapter 30 annual metalworking event in Downey, CA. (Link)
March 27 - California Coast Keeper Alliance responds to storm water intervention brief. (Legal Reply Brief)
March 16 - OEHHA adopts new toxic hot spot guidelines for AB 2588. (LINK)
March 11 - CMC supports AB 437, a bill that would allow cash out of R&D credits for small businesses. (Support Letter)
March 6 - CMC holds industry roundtable at ACE Clearwater, with guest Assemblymember David Hadley (R-Torrance). (Event)
March 5 - CMC participates in American Foundry Society of Soutthern California AFS/North American Die Casting Association NADCA Chapter 30 annual metalworking event in Downey, CA. (Link)
February 2015
February 27 - Study, commissioned by OEHHA, is the first report on ultrafine particle pollutants. (Report)
February 25 - CMC joins allies to support AB 543 (Quirk-D), a bill to modestly improve Prop 65. (Support Letter)
February 23 - CARB sends news release on magnesium metal casters and elimination of greenhouse gas, SF6. (News Release)
February 20 - PMA, ILWU announce West Coast waterfront contract (ports). (Press Release)
February 19 - South Coast AQMD holds third workshop on proposed metal rule. (Handout)
February 18 - Intervention brief for storm water lawsuit is filed. (Download Brief)
February 17 - LA Times- Ports congestion hinders Southland recycling industry. (LA Times Article)
February 11 - Assemblymember Alejo releases legislative package aimed at how DTSC collects its bills. (Press Release)
February 7 - EPA touts environmental benefits of spent foundry sands in road base and soil. (Article)
February 6 - CMC strongly urges PMA and ILWU to avoid port shutdown and reach a new contract. (Article)
February 4 - Business groups press OEHHA to defend itself against Mateel Prop 65 safe harbor lawsuit. (Letter)
February 1 - CMC-member Haas is teaming up with Cal Poly SLO for a July 27-30 CNC Educator Conference. (Event)
February 27 - Study, commissioned by OEHHA, is the first report on ultrafine particle pollutants. (Report)
February 25 - CMC joins allies to support AB 543 (Quirk-D), a bill to modestly improve Prop 65. (Support Letter)
February 23 - CARB sends news release on magnesium metal casters and elimination of greenhouse gas, SF6. (News Release)
February 20 - PMA, ILWU announce West Coast waterfront contract (ports). (Press Release)
February 19 - South Coast AQMD holds third workshop on proposed metal rule. (Handout)
February 18 - Intervention brief for storm water lawsuit is filed. (Download Brief)
February 17 - LA Times- Ports congestion hinders Southland recycling industry. (LA Times Article)
February 11 - Assemblymember Alejo releases legislative package aimed at how DTSC collects its bills. (Press Release)
February 7 - EPA touts environmental benefits of spent foundry sands in road base and soil. (Article)
February 6 - CMC strongly urges PMA and ILWU to avoid port shutdown and reach a new contract. (Article)
February 4 - Business groups press OEHHA to defend itself against Mateel Prop 65 safe harbor lawsuit. (Letter)
February 1 - CMC-member Haas is teaming up with Cal Poly SLO for a July 27-30 CNC Educator Conference. (Event)
January 2015
January 29 - $106 million California Competes Tax Credit deadlines are February 2 and April 6. (Tax Credit Link)
January 23 - CMC concerned with AB 2588 requirements that would force facilities to declare "new" emissions even if there is no increase. (Letter)
January 20 - SCAQMD holds second metal melting rule making workshop. (Handout)
January 14 - Recertification of storm water NOI and SWPPP due before July 1st. (Document)
January 13 - EPA publishes beneficial reuse report for metal casting foundry sand. (Report)
January 12 - OEHHA proposes significant changes to Prop 65. (Link)
January 8 - CMC remembers Frederick J. Simonelli, the organization's Executive Director 1977-2003. (Obituary)
January 4 - CMC 2015 HR Issues seminars scheduled for February 18 and 26. (Meetings)
January 3 - SCAQMD sets 2nd workshop January 20 for proposed metal melting rule, 1420.2. (Link)
January 2 - OSHA releases new requirements for reporting severe injuries and fatalities. (Notice)
January 1 - CMC schedules new IGP storm water conference for February 20 in San Diego. (Information
January 29 - $106 million California Competes Tax Credit deadlines are February 2 and April 6. (Tax Credit Link)
January 23 - CMC concerned with AB 2588 requirements that would force facilities to declare "new" emissions even if there is no increase. (Letter)
January 20 - SCAQMD holds second metal melting rule making workshop. (Handout)
January 14 - Recertification of storm water NOI and SWPPP due before July 1st. (Document)
January 13 - EPA publishes beneficial reuse report for metal casting foundry sand. (Report)
January 12 - OEHHA proposes significant changes to Prop 65. (Link)
January 8 - CMC remembers Frederick J. Simonelli, the organization's Executive Director 1977-2003. (Obituary)
January 4 - CMC 2015 HR Issues seminars scheduled for February 18 and 26. (Meetings)
January 3 - SCAQMD sets 2nd workshop January 20 for proposed metal melting rule, 1420.2. (Link)
January 2 - OSHA releases new requirements for reporting severe injuries and fatalities. (Notice)
January 1 - CMC schedules new IGP storm water conference for February 20 in San Diego. (Information