Metalworking Industry News: 2018
December 2018
December 6: CMC holds roundtable meeting in Chino with guest Assemblymember Phillip Chen. (Meeting)
December 5: LA Times "Frivolous PAGA lawsuits are making some lawyers rich, but they aren't helping workers or employers." (Article)
December 3: Cal-Savers will be launched in 2019. Businesses with 5+ employees must eventually provide a private retirement package, or public program. (Cal-Savers)
December 6: CMC holds roundtable meeting in Chino with guest Assemblymember Phillip Chen. (Meeting)
December 5: LA Times "Frivolous PAGA lawsuits are making some lawyers rich, but they aren't helping workers or employers." (Article)
December 3: Cal-Savers will be launched in 2019. Businesses with 5+ employees must eventually provide a private retirement package, or public program. (Cal-Savers)
November 2018
November 30: CMC provides guest lecture to students at Cal Poly Pomona Engineering School.
November 28: SCAQMD's PR 1480 will require facilities to do ambient air monitoring based on local results. (Presentation)
November 13: Cal-OSHA passes emergency regulation that requires Form300A submissions on-line as early as December 31, 2018. (Notice) (Appendix H).
November 7: SWRCB approves amended storm water IGP to incorporate TMDLs. (Reference)
November 6: Election Day...Get Out and Vote!
November 2: SCAQMD Board of Directors votes on Proposed Rule 1407.1. (Agenda) (Board Packet)
November 1: Reminisce Magazine features article on pattern making skills, which are still important today. (Article)
November 30: CMC provides guest lecture to students at Cal Poly Pomona Engineering School.
November 28: SCAQMD's PR 1480 will require facilities to do ambient air monitoring based on local results. (Presentation)
November 13: Cal-OSHA passes emergency regulation that requires Form300A submissions on-line as early as December 31, 2018. (Notice) (Appendix H).
November 7: SWRCB approves amended storm water IGP to incorporate TMDLs. (Reference)
November 6: Election Day...Get Out and Vote!
November 2: SCAQMD Board of Directors votes on Proposed Rule 1407.1. (Agenda) (Board Packet)
November 1: Reminisce Magazine features article on pattern making skills, which are still important today. (Article)
October 2018
October 23: Vice Mayor of Bell Ana Maria Quintana addresses metals industry and roundtable in Torrance.
October 15: SCAQMD calling for steering committee participants, including businesses, for AB 617 implementation. (Form)
October 11: Public Health Institute publishes report on California's Green Chemistry Initiative, 10 years later. (Report)
October 5: SCAQMD Governing Board sets November 2nd date to vote on Proposed Rule 1407.1. (Agenda)
October 1: Governor Brown vetoes AB 3081, a bill to expand employer liability for sexual harassment claims. (Legislation)
October 23: Vice Mayor of Bell Ana Maria Quintana addresses metals industry and roundtable in Torrance.
October 15: SCAQMD calling for steering committee participants, including businesses, for AB 617 implementation. (Form)
October 11: Public Health Institute publishes report on California's Green Chemistry Initiative, 10 years later. (Report)
October 5: SCAQMD Governing Board sets November 2nd date to vote on Proposed Rule 1407.1. (Agenda)
October 1: Governor Brown vetoes AB 3081, a bill to expand employer liability for sexual harassment claims. (Legislation)
September 2018
September 30: Governor Brown vetoes AB 3080, a bill that would have prohibited employee arbitration agreements. (Veto)
September 27-28: CARB holds Board Meeting to select cities for community air monitoring under AB 617. (Link) (Presentation)
September 21: SCAQMD Stationary Source Committee hears Proposed Rule 1407.1 (Presentation)
September 13: CMC's Metals Industry Storm Water Group (MISWG) holds sampling strategy webinar.
September 10: Governor Brown signs SB 100, requiring 100% renewable energy by 2045 (Story)
September 6: News Article: Pacific Steel of Berkeley Shuts After 84 Years (BerkeleySide)
September 30: Governor Brown vetoes AB 3080, a bill that would have prohibited employee arbitration agreements. (Veto)
September 27-28: CARB holds Board Meeting to select cities for community air monitoring under AB 617. (Link) (Presentation)
September 21: SCAQMD Stationary Source Committee hears Proposed Rule 1407.1 (Presentation)
September 13: CMC's Metals Industry Storm Water Group (MISWG) holds sampling strategy webinar.
September 10: Governor Brown signs SB 100, requiring 100% renewable energy by 2045 (Story)
September 6: News Article: Pacific Steel of Berkeley Shuts After 84 Years (BerkeleySide)
August 2018
August 31: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 on Proposed Amended Rule 1407 (Presentation)
August 30: SCAQMD holds public working on Proposed Rule 1407.1 (Download) (Staff Report)
August 25: CARB announces September 27th meeting to release communities for AB 617 monitoring program. (Link)
August 24: CMC holds industry roundtable in Downey at So Cal Gas Energy Resource Center.
August 23: CMC hold industry roundtable in San Diego at Kearny High School's metal manufacturing shop.
August 10: CMC holds industry roundtable in Union City with special guest Senator Bob Wieckowski (D).
August 3: SCAQMD updates community air monitoring in Paramount for nickel and hexavalent chromium. (Report)
August 1: Updated Prop 65 requirements take effect August 30. (Link)
August 31: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 on Proposed Amended Rule 1407 (Presentation)
August 30: SCAQMD holds public working on Proposed Rule 1407.1 (Download) (Staff Report)
August 25: CARB announces September 27th meeting to release communities for AB 617 monitoring program. (Link)
August 24: CMC holds industry roundtable in Downey at So Cal Gas Energy Resource Center.
August 23: CMC hold industry roundtable in San Diego at Kearny High School's metal manufacturing shop.
August 10: CMC holds industry roundtable in Union City with special guest Senator Bob Wieckowski (D).
August 3: SCAQMD updates community air monitoring in Paramount for nickel and hexavalent chromium. (Report)
August 1: Updated Prop 65 requirements take effect August 30. (Link)
July 2018
July 30: SCAQMD issues draft language for proposed metal rule 1407.1. Workshop is on August 9. (Document)
July 24: Metal casting display for Amador County wins awards at California State Fair. (Article)
July 20: CMC member Gerdau hosts 25th Annual gun melt. Thousands of LA County confiscated guns are melted into rebar for highway projects. (Article) (Link)
July 19: SCAQMD holds 5th working group meeting on Proposed Amended Rule 1407. (Presentation)
July 17: Los Angeles County places a storm water parcel tax on the November 2018 ballot. (News)
July 11: Local air districts publish proposed cities for AB 617 community air monitoring. (San Diego) (San Joaquin) (SCAQMD) (BAAQMD)
July 10: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on 1407.1. (Presentation)
July 1: California Air Resources Board (CARB) publishes enforcement report. (Link)
July 30: SCAQMD issues draft language for proposed metal rule 1407.1. Workshop is on August 9. (Document)
July 24: Metal casting display for Amador County wins awards at California State Fair. (Article)
July 20: CMC member Gerdau hosts 25th Annual gun melt. Thousands of LA County confiscated guns are melted into rebar for highway projects. (Article) (Link)
July 19: SCAQMD holds 5th working group meeting on Proposed Amended Rule 1407. (Presentation)
July 17: Los Angeles County places a storm water parcel tax on the November 2018 ballot. (News)
July 11: Local air districts publish proposed cities for AB 617 community air monitoring. (San Diego) (San Joaquin) (SCAQMD) (BAAQMD)
July 10: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on 1407.1. (Presentation)
July 1: California Air Resources Board (CARB) publishes enforcement report. (Link)
June 2018
June 27: SCAQMD calls working group meeting on July 10 for metal rule 1407.1. (Announcement)
June 20: DGS will hold a "Buy Clean California Act" workshop on June 26. (Link)
June 18: CMC and allies support AB 427, a bill to create the California Aerospace and Aviation Commission. (Letter)
June 14: CMC opposes LA County storm water parcel tax credit proposal. (Letter) (About Tax)
June 13: SCAQMD holds Proposed Rule 1480 Working Group Meeting #2. (Presentation)
June 12: OSHA 300 logs are due in electronic form by July 1. (DIR Guidance)
June 4: SCAQMD releases slides for June 6 metal rule working group meeting (1407.1). (Presentation)
June 2: Justice Department Voices Concern Over Law Firm with Record-Breaking Number of 2017 Stormwater Lawsuits (Article)
June 1: Proposed Rule 1480 (Toxic Metals Monitoring) will have Working Group Meeting #2 on June 13.
June 27: SCAQMD calls working group meeting on July 10 for metal rule 1407.1. (Announcement)
June 20: DGS will hold a "Buy Clean California Act" workshop on June 26. (Link)
June 18: CMC and allies support AB 427, a bill to create the California Aerospace and Aviation Commission. (Letter)
June 14: CMC opposes LA County storm water parcel tax credit proposal. (Letter) (About Tax)
June 13: SCAQMD holds Proposed Rule 1480 Working Group Meeting #2. (Presentation)
June 12: OSHA 300 logs are due in electronic form by July 1. (DIR Guidance)
June 4: SCAQMD releases slides for June 6 metal rule working group meeting (1407.1). (Presentation)
June 2: Justice Department Voices Concern Over Law Firm with Record-Breaking Number of 2017 Stormwater Lawsuits (Article)
June 1: Proposed Rule 1480 (Toxic Metals Monitoring) will have Working Group Meeting #2 on June 13.
May 2018
May 23: SCAQMD announces June 6 metal rule working group meeting. (Announcement)
May 14: CARB schedules AB 617 workshops for May 30, May 31, June 5, June 7. (Notice)
May 11: Day 2 of CMC's 45th Annual Conference in Anaheim. (Day 2 Agenda)
May 10: Day 1 of CMC's 45th Annual Conference in Anaheim. (Day 1 Agenda)
May 9: 5th Annual CFHI Golf Tournament held in Fountain Valley. (Flier)
May 2: SCAQMD holds 1st Working Group meeting on Proposed Rule 1480: Ambient Air Monitoring. (Presentation)
May 1: Keramida Environmental produces 1-page educational document "What is One Nanogram?" (Download)
May 23: SCAQMD announces June 6 metal rule working group meeting. (Announcement)
May 14: CARB schedules AB 617 workshops for May 30, May 31, June 5, June 7. (Notice)
May 11: Day 2 of CMC's 45th Annual Conference in Anaheim. (Day 2 Agenda)
May 10: Day 1 of CMC's 45th Annual Conference in Anaheim. (Day 1 Agenda)
May 9: 5th Annual CFHI Golf Tournament held in Fountain Valley. (Flier)
May 2: SCAQMD holds 1st Working Group meeting on Proposed Rule 1480: Ambient Air Monitoring. (Presentation)
May 1: Keramida Environmental produces 1-page educational document "What is One Nanogram?" (Download)
April 2018
April 30: Bay Area AQMD holds working group meeting on implementation of Rule 11-18. (Flow Chart)
April 25: SCAQMD holds 4th Working Group Meeting and announces bifurcation of rule into 1407 (non-ferrous) and 1407.1 (ferrous). (PowerPoint)
April 23: CMC joins Industrial Task Force for presentation at Regional Water Boards Conference. (Presentation)
April 19: SCAQMD announced Rule 1480 working group meeting #1 for May 2. Topic is fenceline monitoring. (Notice)
April 17: CMC participates in Metal Casting Contest and Scholarship Night at Cal Poly Pomona. (Event)
April 10: SCAQMD holds evening public workshop in San Bernardino on AB 617. (Announcement)
April 9: California Tax and Fee Administration will hold April 11 public workshop on revised sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing. (Notice)
April 4: SCAQMD announces working group meeting #4 for metal rule 1407 on April 25 in Diamond Bar. (Announcement)
April 3: CMC supports AB 2463, a bill to create the Small Business Technical Assistance Program at the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). (Letter)
April 30: Bay Area AQMD holds working group meeting on implementation of Rule 11-18. (Flow Chart)
April 25: SCAQMD holds 4th Working Group Meeting and announces bifurcation of rule into 1407 (non-ferrous) and 1407.1 (ferrous). (PowerPoint)
April 23: CMC joins Industrial Task Force for presentation at Regional Water Boards Conference. (Presentation)
April 19: SCAQMD announced Rule 1480 working group meeting #1 for May 2. Topic is fenceline monitoring. (Notice)
April 17: CMC participates in Metal Casting Contest and Scholarship Night at Cal Poly Pomona. (Event)
April 10: SCAQMD holds evening public workshop in San Bernardino on AB 617. (Announcement)
April 9: California Tax and Fee Administration will hold April 11 public workshop on revised sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing. (Notice)
April 4: SCAQMD announces working group meeting #4 for metal rule 1407 on April 25 in Diamond Bar. (Announcement)
April 3: CMC supports AB 2463, a bill to create the Small Business Technical Assistance Program at the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz). (Letter)
March 2018
March 27: CMC holds San Diego Area Roundtable meeting at Creative Electron Inc. in San Marcos.
March 21: CMC's James Simonelli is luncheon speaker at Texas Cast Metals Association conference in Tyler, TX.
March 16: Assemblymember Tim Grayson (D-Benicia) addresses metals industry at Northern California CMC roundtable meeting.
March 13: California's Dept of Tax and Fee Administration proposes updates to the manufacturing sales and use tax exemption. (Document)
March 9: Senator Connie Leyva (D-Pomona) addresses metals industry at Southern California CMC roundtable meeting.
March 7: CMC hosts HR and Labor seminar in Cerritos, So Cal. (Flier)
March 6: Trump Administration sues California over sanctuary laws. (Article)
March 2: SCAQMD Board votes not to hold public hearing for Rule 1469 on April 6. New schedule is pending. (Rulemaking)
March 27: CMC holds San Diego Area Roundtable meeting at Creative Electron Inc. in San Marcos.
March 21: CMC's James Simonelli is luncheon speaker at Texas Cast Metals Association conference in Tyler, TX.
March 16: Assemblymember Tim Grayson (D-Benicia) addresses metals industry at Northern California CMC roundtable meeting.
March 13: California's Dept of Tax and Fee Administration proposes updates to the manufacturing sales and use tax exemption. (Document)
March 9: Senator Connie Leyva (D-Pomona) addresses metals industry at Southern California CMC roundtable meeting.
March 7: CMC hosts HR and Labor seminar in Cerritos, So Cal. (Flier)
March 6: Trump Administration sues California over sanctuary laws. (Article)
March 2: SCAQMD Board votes not to hold public hearing for Rule 1469 on April 6. New schedule is pending. (Rulemaking)
February 2018
February 28: Oakland Mayor warns city about pending ICE immigration raids. (Article)
February 23: SCAQMD holds first working group meeting on PR 408--Circumvention. (Presentation)
February 13: Attorney General and Labor Director release guidance documents on immigrant worker protection act, AB 450. (Guidance) (FAQs)
February 11: SCAQMD to hold 5 Southern California workshops on AB 617. (Download Meeting Date Flier)
February 9: CARB staff releases regulatory framework "Concept Paper" for AB 617. (Download)
February 8: DIR releases mandatory notification forms for employers to respond to ICE raid. (Link to Forms)
February 2: ICE (immigration) raids 77 Northern California businesses. (Article)
February 28: Oakland Mayor warns city about pending ICE immigration raids. (Article)
February 23: SCAQMD holds first working group meeting on PR 408--Circumvention. (Presentation)
February 13: Attorney General and Labor Director release guidance documents on immigrant worker protection act, AB 450. (Guidance) (FAQs)
February 11: SCAQMD to hold 5 Southern California workshops on AB 617. (Download Meeting Date Flier)
February 9: CARB staff releases regulatory framework "Concept Paper" for AB 617. (Download)
February 8: DIR releases mandatory notification forms for employers to respond to ICE raid. (Link to Forms)
February 2: ICE (immigration) raids 77 Northern California businesses. (Article)
January 2018
January 31: CMC participates on clean water panel for VerdExchange 2018 for "Green Marketmakers" (Link)
January 30: SCAQMD holds 3rd Working Group Meeting on PAR 1407. (Presentation)
January 23: CMC and allies support AB 427 (Muratsuchi-D) which establishes the California Aerospace Commission. (Letter)
January 20: Metal businesses should know their responsibilities under AB 450 and ICE raids. (AB 450) (Document)
January 16: DGS begins implementation of AB 262, the new "Buy Clean California Act." (Website)
January 12: SCAQMD schedules metal rule PAR 1407 workshop #3 for January 30 in Diamond Bar. (Announcement)
January 11: SCAQMD holds public meeting on proposed rule 120 and proposed amended rule 408. (Presentations)
January 10: CMC submits legal argument on SCAQMD's proposed rule 120. (Letter)
January 9: Cal-OSHA schedules 3rd workshop for February 8, in Oakland, on new indoor heat rule. (Information)
January 2: SWRCB extends TMDL comment period to February 14. (Letter)
January 31: CMC participates on clean water panel for VerdExchange 2018 for "Green Marketmakers" (Link)
January 30: SCAQMD holds 3rd Working Group Meeting on PAR 1407. (Presentation)
January 23: CMC and allies support AB 427 (Muratsuchi-D) which establishes the California Aerospace Commission. (Letter)
January 20: Metal businesses should know their responsibilities under AB 450 and ICE raids. (AB 450) (Document)
January 16: DGS begins implementation of AB 262, the new "Buy Clean California Act." (Website)
January 12: SCAQMD schedules metal rule PAR 1407 workshop #3 for January 30 in Diamond Bar. (Announcement)
January 11: SCAQMD holds public meeting on proposed rule 120 and proposed amended rule 408. (Presentations)
January 10: CMC submits legal argument on SCAQMD's proposed rule 120. (Letter)
January 9: Cal-OSHA schedules 3rd workshop for February 8, in Oakland, on new indoor heat rule. (Information)
January 2: SWRCB extends TMDL comment period to February 14. (Letter)