Metalworking Industry News: 2019
December 2019
December 30: SCAQMD Volunteer Testing Results for Facilities A and C. (Download)
December 19: State Water Board publishes FAQ documents to assist with SB 205. (Businesses) (Cities and Counties)
December 17: CMC holds regional roundtable in San Diego Area (Carlsbad).
December 11: CMC submits comments on SCAQMD PR 1147.2. (Comments)
December 10: Lawsuit filed to overturn AB 51 (arbitration) for violating the Federal Arbitration Act. (Motion)
December 6: SCAQMD Board unanimously approved PR 1480. (Final Rule Draft)
December 5: CMC holds So Cal Roundtable with guest SCAQMD Board Member Vanessa Delgado.
December 30: SCAQMD Volunteer Testing Results for Facilities A and C. (Download)
December 19: State Water Board publishes FAQ documents to assist with SB 205. (Businesses) (Cities and Counties)
December 17: CMC holds regional roundtable in San Diego Area (Carlsbad).
December 11: CMC submits comments on SCAQMD PR 1147.2. (Comments)
December 10: Lawsuit filed to overturn AB 51 (arbitration) for violating the Federal Arbitration Act. (Motion)
December 6: SCAQMD Board unanimously approved PR 1480. (Final Rule Draft)
December 5: CMC holds So Cal Roundtable with guest SCAQMD Board Member Vanessa Delgado.
November 2019
November 30: BAAQMD to hold public workshops, Dec 9-Feb 5, on its updated complaint process. (Link) (Presentation)
November 7: SCAQMD releases final draft rule language and staff report for PR 1480. (Draft Rule) (Draft Staff Report)
November 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #3 on PR 1147.2 (NOx). (Presentation)
November 2: CMC receives environmental award on Dia de los Muertos event in Los Angeles. (Pictures) (Event Press Release) (Coastkeeper Press Release)
November 30: BAAQMD to hold public workshops, Dec 9-Feb 5, on its updated complaint process. (Link) (Presentation)
November 7: SCAQMD releases final draft rule language and staff report for PR 1480. (Draft Rule) (Draft Staff Report)
November 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #3 on PR 1147.2 (NOx). (Presentation)
November 2: CMC receives environmental award on Dia de los Muertos event in Los Angeles. (Pictures) (Event Press Release) (Coastkeeper Press Release)
October 2019
October 29: SCAQMD holds public workshop #11 on PR 1480: ambient air monitoring. (Presentation) (Draft Language) (CMC Comments)
October 23: SCAQMD holds public workshop #10 on PR 1480: ambient air monitoring. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
October 10: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announces October 15 Manufacturing Summit. (Register)
October 8: SCAQMD holds public workshop #9 on PR 1480 (Presentation)
October 4: SCAQMD Board passed PAR 1407 (metal melting)
October 3: Governor Newsom signs CMC-supported SB 205 into law. (Press Release)
October 2: SCAQMD holds public hearing on PR 1480, ambient air monitoring. (Presentation)
October 29: SCAQMD holds public workshop #11 on PR 1480: ambient air monitoring. (Presentation) (Draft Language) (CMC Comments)
October 23: SCAQMD holds public workshop #10 on PR 1480: ambient air monitoring. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
October 10: Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announces October 15 Manufacturing Summit. (Register)
October 8: SCAQMD holds public workshop #9 on PR 1480 (Presentation)
October 4: SCAQMD Board passed PAR 1407 (metal melting)
October 3: Governor Newsom signs CMC-supported SB 205 into law. (Press Release)
October 2: SCAQMD holds public hearing on PR 1480, ambient air monitoring. (Presentation)
September 2019
September 28: Governor Newsom vetoes SB 1-Atkins. (Article)
September 27: CMCi and CFHI hold charity golf event in Oceanside. Proceeds benefit metal sector students. (Program)
September 26: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable meeting in Rancho Cucamonga. Special guest is Beaumont City Councilmember Lloyd White. (Program)
September 18: Governor Newsom signs AB 5 creating new requirements for designating independent contractors. (Article)
September 9: BAAQMD to hold stationary source committee meeting on Sept 16. (agenda)
September 7: SCAQMD posts press release on upcoming areas to conduct air monitoring. (Press Release)
September 6: CMC-opposed AB 51, which would ban arbitration agreements, passed to Governor. (Bill)
September 5: New law, AB 778, clarifies and extends deadline for mandatory sexual harassment prevention training. (Link)
September 1: CMC-opposed AB 51, which would ban arbitration agreements, moves closer to Governor. (Bill)
September 28: Governor Newsom vetoes SB 1-Atkins. (Article)
September 27: CMCi and CFHI hold charity golf event in Oceanside. Proceeds benefit metal sector students. (Program)
September 26: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable meeting in Rancho Cucamonga. Special guest is Beaumont City Councilmember Lloyd White. (Program)
September 18: Governor Newsom signs AB 5 creating new requirements for designating independent contractors. (Article)
September 9: BAAQMD to hold stationary source committee meeting on Sept 16. (agenda)
September 7: SCAQMD posts press release on upcoming areas to conduct air monitoring. (Press Release)
September 6: CMC-opposed AB 51, which would ban arbitration agreements, passed to Governor. (Bill)
September 5: New law, AB 778, clarifies and extends deadline for mandatory sexual harassment prevention training. (Link)
September 1: CMC-opposed AB 51, which would ban arbitration agreements, moves closer to Governor. (Bill)
August 2019
August 29: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #8 on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring). (Presentation) (Draft language)
August 17: AB&I celebrates 113 years in Oakland with community open house. (Photos)
August 12: California Legislature returns back to session from Summer Recess. (Calendar)
August 7: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #7 on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring). (Presentation) (Draft Language)
August 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #1 on PR 1435 (metal heat treaters, ovens). (Presentation)
August 5: SCAQMD to hold working group meeting #2 on PR 1147.2 (NOx from metal operations). (Presentation)
August 1: Cal-OSHA has new outdoor worker protection requirements for wildfire smoke. (Announcement)
August 29: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #8 on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring). (Presentation) (Draft language)
August 17: AB&I celebrates 113 years in Oakland with community open house. (Photos)
August 12: California Legislature returns back to session from Summer Recess. (Calendar)
August 7: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #7 on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring). (Presentation) (Draft Language)
August 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #1 on PR 1435 (metal heat treaters, ovens). (Presentation)
August 5: SCAQMD to hold working group meeting #2 on PR 1147.2 (NOx from metal operations). (Presentation)
August 1: Cal-OSHA has new outdoor worker protection requirements for wildfire smoke. (Announcement)
July 2019
July 26: SCAQMD releases proposed Year 2 cities for AB 617 monitoring. (Presentation)
July 19: CMC holds Southern California Industry Roundtable Meeting. (Link)
July 17: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #9 on PAR 1407. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
July 12: Governor Newsom appoints Negar "Nikki" Noushkam to the 13-person SCAQMD Board. (Link)
July 5: CMC releases storm water employee training video in English and Spanish for metals sector. (Video)
July 26: SCAQMD releases proposed Year 2 cities for AB 617 monitoring. (Presentation)
July 19: CMC holds Southern California Industry Roundtable Meeting. (Link)
July 17: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #9 on PAR 1407. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
July 12: Governor Newsom appoints Negar "Nikki" Noushkam to the 13-person SCAQMD Board. (Link)
July 5: CMC releases storm water employee training video in English and Spanish for metals sector. (Video)
June 2019
June 19: SCAQMD holds workshop on PAR 1407. (Presentation) (Rule Language) (Staff Report)
June 4: CMC-opposed Measure EE fails in Los Angeles. (Article)
June 19: SCAQMD holds workshop on PAR 1407. (Presentation) (Rule Language) (Staff Report)
June 4: CMC-opposed Measure EE fails in Los Angeles. (Article)
May 2019
May 24: SCAQMD hold working group meeting #8 on PAR 1407--metal melting. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
May 23: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 on PR 1480--fence line air monitoring. (Presentation)
May 22: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on Reg III--Toxics Fees. (Presentation)
May 21: CMC-supported bill AB 205 moves to the Senate Floor. Legislation would link storm water permits to business licenses. (AB 205)
May 16: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #1 on 1147 & 1147.2; NOx reductions from metal melting, heat treating and forgers. (Presentation)
May 10: Assemblymember Choi (R-68) and Assemblymember Petrie Norris (D-74) highlight CMC's 46th Annual 2-day Conference.
May 9: Governor Newsom's Senior Advisor keynotes CMC's 46th Annual 2-day Conference.
May 24: SCAQMD hold working group meeting #8 on PAR 1407--metal melting. (Presentation) (Draft Language)
May 23: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 on PR 1480--fence line air monitoring. (Presentation)
May 22: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on Reg III--Toxics Fees. (Presentation)
May 21: CMC-supported bill AB 205 moves to the Senate Floor. Legislation would link storm water permits to business licenses. (AB 205)
May 16: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #1 on 1147 & 1147.2; NOx reductions from metal melting, heat treating and forgers. (Presentation)
May 10: Assemblymember Choi (R-68) and Assemblymember Petrie Norris (D-74) highlight CMC's 46th Annual 2-day Conference.
May 9: Governor Newsom's Senior Advisor keynotes CMC's 46th Annual 2-day Conference.
April 2019
April 24: Supreme Court rules 5-4 against class action arbitration suit. (NY Times Article)
April 19: SCAQMD holds webinar on new TAC fees. Increases can be 400-600% for metal facilities. (Handout)
April 18: CMC opposes Measure EE, a 16 cent per square foot tax in LA County. (Website)
April 11: CMC participates in AFS Education and Scholarship Night at Cal Poly Pomona. (Link)
April 10: SCAQMD holds Working Group Meeting #5 on PR 1480. (Presentation)
April 7: OEHHA begins health risk assessment for cobalt. Comments are due April 22. (Website) (Document)
April 3: CMC supports AB 939, a bill requiring presentation materials for public hearings be sent 72 hours in advance. (Letter)
April 2: Numerous community college manufacturing job fairs are being held in April. (Job Fair Info)
April 24: Supreme Court rules 5-4 against class action arbitration suit. (NY Times Article)
April 19: SCAQMD holds webinar on new TAC fees. Increases can be 400-600% for metal facilities. (Handout)
April 18: CMC opposes Measure EE, a 16 cent per square foot tax in LA County. (Website)
April 11: CMC participates in AFS Education and Scholarship Night at Cal Poly Pomona. (Link)
April 10: SCAQMD holds Working Group Meeting #5 on PR 1480. (Presentation)
April 7: OEHHA begins health risk assessment for cobalt. Comments are due April 22. (Website) (Document)
April 3: CMC supports AB 939, a bill requiring presentation materials for public hearings be sent 72 hours in advance. (Letter)
April 2: Numerous community college manufacturing job fairs are being held in April. (Job Fair Info)
March 2019
March 31: CMC mourns the loss of Dave Robinson, AB&I (Oakland). He was 57.
March 26: Vote today in the special election for Senate Districts 1 & 33. (More Info)
March 22: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable in Southern California (Downey). (Meeting)
March 21: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable in San Diego. (Meeting)
March 13: CMC hosts regional industry roundtable meeting in Fremont. (Meeting)
March 12: SCAQMD holds Working Group Meeting #7 on PAR 1407. (Presentation)
March 11: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 1. The bill would preempt state regulations by mirroring federal environmental rules. (Letter)
March 8: CMC supports the appointment of Hilary Norton to the California Transportation Commission. (Letter)
March 7: CMC participates in the NADCA and AFS Chapter Vendors Night in Downey, CA. (Event)
March 31: CMC mourns the loss of Dave Robinson, AB&I (Oakland). He was 57.
March 26: Vote today in the special election for Senate Districts 1 & 33. (More Info)
March 22: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable in Southern California (Downey). (Meeting)
March 21: CMC holds quarterly industry roundtable in San Diego. (Meeting)
March 13: CMC hosts regional industry roundtable meeting in Fremont. (Meeting)
March 12: SCAQMD holds Working Group Meeting #7 on PAR 1407. (Presentation)
March 11: CMC joins allies to oppose SB 1. The bill would preempt state regulations by mirroring federal environmental rules. (Letter)
March 8: CMC supports the appointment of Hilary Norton to the California Transportation Commission. (Letter)
March 7: CMC participates in the NADCA and AFS Chapter Vendors Night in Downey, CA. (Event)
February 2019
February 28: CMC supports SB 205, a bill that links a storm water permit to a business license. (Letter)
February 27: CMC supports AB 238, a bill to extend the Vehicle Dismantler Industry Strike Team to 2023. (Letter)
February 17: CMC joins a new coalition (C4BES) to protect the option of natural gas for metal facilities. (C4BES)
February 13: CMC holds webinar on CMC's cost saving programs for members. (Link)
February 12: CMC-member California Metal-X (Los Angeles) announces purchase of Colonial Metals (Pennsylvania). (Press Release)
February 5: SCAQMD holds 4th workshop on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring and HRA) (Handout)
February 28: CMC supports SB 205, a bill that links a storm water permit to a business license. (Letter)
February 27: CMC supports AB 238, a bill to extend the Vehicle Dismantler Industry Strike Team to 2023. (Letter)
February 17: CMC joins a new coalition (C4BES) to protect the option of natural gas for metal facilities. (C4BES)
February 13: CMC holds webinar on CMC's cost saving programs for members. (Link)
February 12: CMC-member California Metal-X (Los Angeles) announces purchase of Colonial Metals (Pennsylvania). (Press Release)
February 5: SCAQMD holds 4th workshop on PR 1480 (ambient air monitoring and HRA) (Handout)
January 2019
January 29: Cal-OSHA releases updated draft for Indoor Heat Regulations. (Download)
January 25: Publication of Application of Next Generation Air Monitoring Methods in the South Coast Air Basin. (Download)
January 12: SF6 information is due to CARB by March 30, 2019 for magnesium metal casters. (Info)
January 7: Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom sworn in as California's 40th Governor.
January 6: Businesses should check the list of port trucking companies subject to SB 1402 before contracting. (Info)
January 3: Under SB 1234 California businesses must provide private retirement program to employees, or offer CalSavers. (Link)
January 2: International Fire Fighters and Trade Union release joint statement. (Letter)
January 1: SB 1343 takes effect, requiring sexual harassment training for businesses with 5+ employees. (More)
January 29: Cal-OSHA releases updated draft for Indoor Heat Regulations. (Download)
January 25: Publication of Application of Next Generation Air Monitoring Methods in the South Coast Air Basin. (Download)
January 12: SF6 information is due to CARB by March 30, 2019 for magnesium metal casters. (Info)
January 7: Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom sworn in as California's 40th Governor.
January 6: Businesses should check the list of port trucking companies subject to SB 1402 before contracting. (Info)
January 3: Under SB 1234 California businesses must provide private retirement program to employees, or offer CalSavers. (Link)
January 2: International Fire Fighters and Trade Union release joint statement. (Letter)
January 1: SB 1343 takes effect, requiring sexual harassment training for businesses with 5+ employees. (More)