December 16 - CMC establishes an AB 32 web page for its members to assist with understanding this new greenhouse gas emissions law. [ENTER)
December 7 - American Foundry Society (AFS) publishes Turning Used Foundry Sand into a Marketable Resource. The 7-page workbook is a tool for metal casters seeking beneficial reuse of their sand. (Download)
November 28 - CMC joins the AB 32 Industry Implementation Group. The Group's goal is to minimize AB 32 compliance costs by lobbying for control measures that reduce carbon while allowing for continued economic growth. AB 32 gives CARB unfettered discretion to develop rules that will result in a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by the year 2020. The coalition will also fight for rules that are technically and economically feasible, cost-effective, based on sound science and coordinated with other relevant programs.
November 27 - CMC members are urged to attend the Fed-EPA Byproducts Beneficial Use Summit, November 29-30, 2006, at the Hilton San Francisco Financial District (link)
October 25 - CMC joins the fight against Measure T (Richmond, CA). The measure would levy a new tax on manufacturing equal to 1/8% of the value of the raw materials used in the manufacturing process per year. (CMC opposition letter)
October 25 - CMC-member James Jones Company will cease operations in El Monte, CA as of June 2007. The announcement from it's parent company was announced today: (link)
October 24 - California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson tours CMC-member Dameron Alloys. McPherson is running for re-election in November and is the 2nd highest ranking Republican in the state. (Photos)
October 13 - California Assemblymember-elect Sandre Swanson tours CMC-member AB&I. Swanson is running unopposed in November for the 16th district (Oakland). (Photos)
October 12 - CMC-member TST/TIMCO's fuel cell ribbon cutting project (link) is featured in The-Press Enterprise (Inland Empire). (article link)
September 30 - AB 1953 (D-Chan) signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger (press release). Bill targeted lead in metal castings that come in contact with drinking water.
September 29 - Press release from Republican Assembly Candidate Virginia Chang Kiraly (District 21) regarding CMC's candidacy endorsement. (Download)
September 20 - CMC announces its 2006 Industry Roundtable in Oakland, CA on October 13. Our special guest will be state Assemblymember candidate Sandre Swanson (D-Oakland). (More Information)
September 19 - ELECTION 2006 - The California Metals Coalition endorsements for statewide races in November. (Download Statewide Races)
September 19 - ELECTION 2006 - The California Metals Coalition endorsements for state Senate races in November. (Download State Senate Races)
September 19 - ELECTION 2006 - The California Metals Coalition endorsements for state Assembly races in November. (Download State Assembly Races)
September 19 - ELECTION 2006 - The California Metals Coalition positions on ballot propositions in November. (Download Propositions)
September 14 - The Governor has until September 30 to veto or sign a bill. Linked is a report on the bill's that have already been decided, and what is remaining on the Governor's desk. (Legislative Update)
September 1 - CMC comments to State Water Board opposing effluent limits for the new industrial storm water permit, but offering support of a progressive approach plan that focuses on Best Management Practices (BMP). (Storm Water Comments)
August 25 - CMC, and business coalition members, oppose SB 815. Bill would directly increase how permanent disability is calculated, increasing these costs and metalworking facility premiums. SB 815 was gutted and amended the day before the deadline. CMC strongly urges the industry to oppose this bill. (SB 815 oppose letter template)
August 15 - CMC, and business coalition members, oppose AB 815. Bill would require Cal-OSHA's Standards Board to establish rules based on all recommendations for workplace exposure level limits made by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). (AB 815 letter)
August 7 - Legislature resumes from recess. August 31 is the Legislature's deadline to pass all 2006 legislation.
August 6 - CMC opposes Proposition 89 on the November ballot. Prop 89 would raises the bank and corporate tax rate to fund publicly-financed candidate campaigns. It also includes, but is not limited to: bans corporations from making independent expenditures to support or oppose candidates or ballot items, bans corporate contributions to candidates who opt to receive public funding, places a $10,000 limit on corporate contributions to support or oppose any given ballot measure. [No on Prop 89 Web Site]
August 4 - CMC letters opposing AB 1835 and SB 1162. Both bills would increase the minium wage with an indexed increase. CMC strictly opposes any form of an indexed increase, but is working with the Governor's office regarding options for a specific wage increase. (AB 1835 letter | SB 1162 letter)
August 4 - CMC letters opposing SB 1252 and SB 1205. Both bills would increase air pollution penalties, without any scrutiny on mobile sources. (SB 1252 letter | SB 1205 letter)
August 4 - CMC letter opposing AB 1884. Bill would provide Unemployment Insurance benefits to employees during a strike. (AB 1884 letter)
August 4 - CMC letter opposing AB 1612. Bill would impact workers' compensation reforms by allowing medical provider networks (MPNs) to be broken up if individual physicians choose to void their participation. (SB 1612 letter)
August 4 - CMC letter opposing AB 2555. Bill's intent is to protect gender-based pay discrimination, but would require employers of 50+ employees to provide each employee with a written statement setting forth the employee's job title, wage rate, and explanation as to how the employee's wages are calculated. (AB 2555 letter)
July 28 - CMC provides testimony at the State Water Board hearing in Los Angeles opposing storm water effluent limits. CMC BMP-based standards for storm water compliance in the new industrial permit.
June 19 - The State Water Board Panel publishes recommendations to the State Water Board on the feasibility of numeric effluent limits applicable to storm water discharges. While the report states efflient limits may be feasible in some cases, CMC will continue to oppose effluent limits in the current industrial permit. More Information or Download Report (pdf).
MAY 31 - CMC engages in an ongoing dialogue with AB 1953 author Assemblywoman Chan and East Bay MUD regarding the direction of AB 1953. CMC is supportive of an open exchange on this issue (letter to the Assembly). But CMC still has many concerns about this bill (such as what products will be targeted under AB 1953) and is working directly with Ms. Chan and East Bay MUD as the bill moves to the Senate.
MAY 17 - CMC, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas Company are co-sponsoring a metalworking industry Summer Forecast and Rate Update conference on May 31 in Alhambra, CA. The session runs from 8am-11:30am and will discuss natural gas/electricity rates, availability, and cost-saving measures for this summer. (Download Registration Flier)
MAY 15 - Secretary of State Bruce McPherson; Senator Tom McClintock; Assembly Majority Leader Dario Frommer; Assemblymember Alan Nakanishi; DTSC Director Maureen Gorsen; Assemlymember Keith Richman; and more will be at the MAY 18-19 Metalworking Industry Annual Meeting. Join us! (more info)
MAY 12 - Pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request and lawsuit, Fed-OSHA may have to release air and other types of sampling data it has collected during inspections of all workplaces nationwide since 1979, unless it can show that this data contains confidential commercial or trade secret information that has not previously been disclosed to the public. Metalworking facilities should review the Fed OSHA Letter (Download Letter) and respond by May 21.
MAY 3 - CMC lobbies Secretary McPeak of the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to fully fund the California's Manufacturing Technology Partership (MTP) program. The program assists manufacturing and helps fund manufacturing consulting groups such as the CMTC in California. (CMC Letter)
April 14 - CMC lobbyists are scheduled to give testimony supporting the 4-day, 10-hour workweek: AB 2217 (Villines; R-Clovis) and SB 1254 (Ackerman; R-Tustin). These bills are good for employees and employers, but are expected to receive considerable opposition. CMC members are urged to voice their position. (L.A. Daily Article)
April 10 - CMC supports Governor Schwarzenegger's push for Career and Technical Education- CTE in California. Metalworking facilities employ thousands of workers at high-wages. The demand for skilled workers remains real in California. CMC members are urged to contact their state Senator or Assemblymember and urge them to join the bi-partisan Members of the Legislature Career and Technical Education (CTE) Coalition. Find your state legislator by clicking the donkey/elephant at the top of the page. (CTE Sample Letter) (CMC CTE Support Letter)
April 6 - CMC supports the option of allowing employees to work four 10-hour days a week if the employee desires the schedule and the employer agrees to the compressed schedule. AB 2217 (Villines; R-Clovis) and SB 1254 (Ackerman; R-Tustin) were introduced to make this option law. The Chamber authored bill is supported by CMC and we urge our members to support as well. Hearings will be held April 19 & 26. (Support Info) (CMC 4-day Workweek Support Form)
March 30 - The Treasury Department is requesting public comment on the methodology it uses in preparing its semi-annual reports to Congress on international and exchange rate policies. CMC members are strongly urged to write a letter to the the Treasury Department to cite China for currency manipulation in its April report to Congress on currency manipulation. Comments must be received by before April 6. (Download Sample Letter for Treasury Department or CMC Letter)
March 21 - The California Metals Coalition (CMC) sends its most sincere condolences to the friends and family of former California Assembly floor leader Marco Firebaugh (D-South Gate). Marco was a good friend and excellent leader in Sacramento. He was only 39 and will be greatly missed.
March 16 - California needs competition reinstated in its district elections. Gerrymandering of legislative districts has created safe seats so that districts are non-competitive. CMC urges members to support SCA 3 (Lowenthal D-Long Beach & Ashburn R-Bakersfield) which would create an Independent Redistricting Commission and take redistricting out of the hands of the Legislature. Find your state legislator by clicking the donkey/elephant at the top of the page. (Download Sample Letter for SCA 3 or CMC Letter)
March 14 - California small businesses battle the most costly, complex, and burdensome laws in the nation. CMC urges members to support AB 2330 (Arambula, D-Fresno) which would require the Office of the Small Business Advocate to commission a study of the cost impact of state regulations on California small businesses. This is an important distinction as most “one-size-fits-all” regulations almost always falls most heavily on small businesses. Find your state legislator by clicking the donkey/elephant at the top of the page. (Download Sample Letter for AB 2330 or CMC Letter)
March 10 - CMC announces the 2006 Metalworking Industry Annual Meeting, May 18-19, 2006 in Sacramento, CA. Since 1978, the metalworking industry has been meeting in Sacramento to discuss the hottest topics impacting our industry. Top California elected officials also brief our members. (Download Annual Meeting Flier)
Feb 27 - Interview with state Senator Dave Cox (R) hits mark on California budget, business, and importance of creating jobs. (Download Article- 2 pages)
Feb 23 - CMC joins effort to Close the Prop 42 loophole. In 2002, voters passed Prop 42 to fund state transportation improvements through a tax on gasoline. Unfortunately, lawmakers have exposed a loophole and has diverted the nearly $1.5billion into the general fund. The coalition of "Californians to Improve Traffic Now" is collecting signatures to close this loophole via the 2006 ballot. More information: (link)
February 21 - CMC lobbyist, James Simonelli, presents on "China and Foreign Competition" at a collaborative metalworking meeting in Irwindale, CA. (hosted by: North American Die Casting Association, American Foundry Society, Metal Heat Treaters Association, and California Cast Metals Association).
February 3 - CMC opposes California legislation AB 1953 (see May 31 entry for update on issue). Existing law prohibits the use of any pipe, pipe or plumbing fitting or fixture, solder, or flux that is not "lead free" in the installation or repair of any public water system or any plumbing in a facility providing water for human consumption. AB 1953 revises the term "lead free" to a greatly lower level.
February 1 - CMC joins the Californians Against the Job Killer Initiative (CAJKI). Leaders of the business community (list) announced we will fight any efforts to reverse the workers' compesation reforms enacted in 2004. CAJKI is spearheading this movement. (article)
January 23 - CMC lobbyist, James Simonelli, accepts a position on Fed-EPA Region 9 steering committee for byproducts beneficial reuse summit (non-hazardous industrial byproducts).
January 15 - CMC lobbyists continue to advocate for an industrial storm water permit that is good for the environment and metalworking facilities.