December 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
December 27 - Federal judge strikes down San Francisco's mandatory health care subsidies by employers. City plan would have provided health coverage to uninsured, but the ruling stated employers cannot be mandated to subsidize the plan. (article)
December 20 - CMC members meet in Sacramento with government and industry leaders to discuss the implementation of California's new lead-free law AB 1953.
December 5 - Ballot measure to take redistricting out of the hands of legislators begins to gather signatures for 2008 ballot. (Link)
November 26 - New York Times publishes New York City Manhole Covers- Forged Barefoot and Sweaty in India. Quote from the article: “We can’t maintain the luxury of Europe and the United States, with all the boots and all that,” said Sunil Modi, director of Shakti Industries. He said, however, that the foundry never had accidents. (VIDEO) (ARTICLE)
November 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
October 27, 2007 - CMC announces Southern California Regional Roundtable meeting for December 6 in Downey, CA. (Roundtable Information)
October 26, 2007 - CMC announces Northern California Regional Roundtable meeting for December 11 in Oakland, CA. (Roundtable Information)
October 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
October 9, 2007 - Governor Schwarzenegger releases a proposal to provide health insurance for California's uninsured. Businesses are expected to provide insurance to employees or pay up to 4% of payroll into a state-run program. . (Proposal Analysis)
October 5, 2007 - CMC member Dave Call of Gregg Industries is a featured panelist at the October 7th National Latino Congreso. Mr. Call will participate on the panel: Redefining Environmentalism: Strategies for Bringing Industries, Developers, and Communities to the Negotiating Table. (Agenda)
October 3, 2007 - CMC President Steve Livingston and Executive Director James Simonelli featured with California Assemblyman Jim Silva (R-Huntington Beach) after the CMC Southern California Roundtable. (Photo)
October 1, 2007 - CMC announces Sexual Harassment Prevention Seminars on October 15 and 25 to target mandatory training under AB 1825. (Seminar Information)
September 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
September 14, 2007 - California Legislature concludes 2007 session. All bills that passed both the Senate and Assembly sit on the Governor's desk. The Governor has until Oct 14 to sign or veto. (2007 Legislative Overview)
September 10 - CMC members write letters opposing AB 515, a bill that would force Cal-OSHA to adopt potentially new PEL standards for deemed workplace hazardous substances.
September 1 - CMC moves operations office from 1011 St Andrews Dr, Suite I to 2971 Warren Lane. City (El Dorado Hills) State (CA) and Zip (95762) remain the same.
August 24 - CMC coordinates facility tour for member Bazz Houston Company with state Assemblyman Van Tran (R-Garden Grove). Bazz Houston Company receives a California Assembly Certificate of Recognition for their company achievements. (Assembly Press Release)
August 2 - California Air Resources Board solicits 2-page proposals for funding geared at technology projects that lower air emissions at facilities. Deadline is September 28, 2007. (Link)
July 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
July 20 - California Legislature is on recess from 2007 legislative bills: July 20 - August 20.
July 16 - A new federal minimum wage poster has been issued as a result of the change in the federal minimum wage. Although the California state wage is still higher than the federal minimum wage, employers are still required to post the federal poster. (Print Poster)
July 10 - CMC announces its next So Cal and Nor Cal Quarterly Regional Roundtables. The July 20 So Cal session will be held in Downey, CA and our special guest will be state Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-27). (July 20 Registration Form). The July 31 Nor Cal session will be held in Oakland, CA and our special guest will be East Bay MUD's Richard Sykes. (July 30 Registration Form)
June 28 - CMC and business allies lobby Governor and California Legislature due to attempts to stop projects by linking CEQA to California's new Greenhouse Gas Emissions Law (AB 32). (Letter) Environmental group Planning and Conservation League fires back in opposition calling the business letter a "declaration of war" (PCL Letter)
June 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
June 21 - CMC announces the next Quarterly Regional Roundtable on July 20 in Downey, CA. Our special guest will be state Senator Alan Lowenthal (D-27). (Registration Form)
June 20 - Indiana governor signs into law legislation that provides preference for metal products used by Indiana public agencies for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, improvement or maintenance of public works that are from products made in the United States. (Download Indiana Legislation) CMC introduced similar legslation in 2003 (2003 Legislation) and is working to re-introduce a new bill for California metalworking companies.
June 14 - CMC-member TST/TIMCO recognized in Distributed Energy magazine for ultra-clean fuel cell and microturbine electricity co-generation project. CMC also quoted and referenced for contributions. (Article)
June 12 - CMC supports the Market Advisory Committee's report to the ARB in regards to a market based cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gas emissions. The ARB is charged with implementing California's new greenhouse gas emissions law, AB 32.
June 12 - CMC conducts webinar on R&D Tax Credit, with special guest Black Line Group. (Download Presentation)
June 8 - Legislative deadline: last day for bills to pass out of their house of origin.
June 1 - The California Metals Coalition concludes its 34th Metalworking Industry Annual Meeting in Sacramento. Speakers included Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, State Controller John Chiang, Governor Schwarzenegger Cabinet Member Rosario Marin, and Assemblyman Van Tran (R-Garden Grove). Topics included Pattern & Tooling Tax Panel Discussion, AB 32 Workshop, and 2007 Issues Impacting the Metalworking Industry.
May 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
May 22 - CMC co-hosts California Business Legislative Summit, sponsored by the Californa Chamber of Commerce. The May 21-22 summit included the 81st Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast with featured speaker Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. (link)
May 15 - CMC announces June 12 Internet seminar. What you think you know about the R&D Tax Credit may be costing your company money. Many are surprised to learn that even if their metalworking facility does little or no conventional R&D, they may still qualify for tax credits. CMC's Internet seminar features R&D Tax Credit experts Black Line Group ( (Download Flier & Registration)
May 1 - "Furan No-Bake" binder is commonly used by metal casters, although it does not contain the toxic chemical Furan. This can lead to misinterpretation. The following article was created by the California Cast Metals Association to clarify the issue. (Article)
April 30 - PUC President Michael Peevey to re-examine purchasing of electricity on the open retail market, also known as Direct Access (DA). DA was suspended at the height of the energy crisis in 2001. (Article)
April 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
April 12 - Workers' comp initiative to reverse reforms approved by Secretary of State to begin signature gathering process. CMC is actively fighting this effort. (Link)
April 5 - CMC participates in Cal-OSHA's advisory meeting on heat illness prevention in indoor workplaces. This potential rulemaking session was held in Oakland (3/29). CMC is promoting the importance of training and education and assuring adequate water consumption for heat illness protection, but not new regulations. (Link)
April 2 - CMC joins Relevance in Education And Learning (REAL), a new coalition of business, public safety groups, labor unions and teachers to restore Career Technical Education (CTE) in California's schools.
March 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
March 13 - CMC member ACE Clearwater Enterprises hosts California's First Career Technical Education Summit, with special guest Governor Schwarzenegger. (Link)
March 1 - CMC, as part of the Californians Against Job Killer Initiatives (CAJKI), speaks out against the anti-business workers' comp proposal filed with the state Attorney General. (Link)
February 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
February 5 - CMC announces its 2007 Quarterly Regional Roundtable on March 8 in Downey, CA. Our special guest will be DTSC Chief Deputy Director Leonard Robinson. (Meeting Info)
February 2 - CMC announces its 2007 Quarterly Regional Roundtable on March 2 in Downey, CA. Our special guest will be state Senator Ron Calderon (D-Montebello). (Meeting Info)
January 2007 CMC Newsletter Sacramento Update is posted (Link)
January 22 - CMC is a founding member of the AB 32 Implementation Group. The group testified at today's Air Resources Board hearing (Link). Related information can also be found at CMC's AB 32 web page. (ENTER)
January 12 - CMC endorsed insurance broker Sullivan Curtis Monroe establishes a Metalworking Division for California metalworking companies. (Download)
January 5 - CMC attends the Inauguration Ceremony of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger at Sacramento's Memorial Auditorium. (Photos, Ticket and Program)
January 3 - California State Senate annouces leadership positions and committee chairs. (Link)
January 2 - CMC establishes an AB 32 web page for its members to assist with understanding this new greenhouse gas emissions law. (ENTER)January 1 - CMC joins and supports the California Climate Action Registry (link). The Registry's mission is to protect, encourage, and promote early actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as enacted by AB 32.