Metalworking Industry News: 2020
December 2020
December 22: California DPH releases plan for vaccine distribution. (Download)
December 18: CMC joins allies to comment on AB 617. (Letter)
December 15: CMC Storm Water Group holds rainy season prep webinar. (Link)
December 8: CMC holds webinar on new rules for 2020 and what will begin January 1, 2021. (Link)
December 1: CMC's Annual Meeting on Feb 26, 2021 will be held by a virtual interactive platform. (Link)
December 22: California DPH releases plan for vaccine distribution. (Download)
December 18: CMC joins allies to comment on AB 617. (Letter)
December 15: CMC Storm Water Group holds rainy season prep webinar. (Link)
December 8: CMC holds webinar on new rules for 2020 and what will begin January 1, 2021. (Link)
December 1: CMC's Annual Meeting on Feb 26, 2021 will be held by a virtual interactive platform. (Link)
November 2020
November 30: Utility companies file a notice with CPUC to add hydrogen to natural gas supplies. (Letter) (Presentation)
November 24: Cal-OSHA adopts new emergency regulations for COVID-19. (Link)
November 21: CMC's Melting Crime Initiative melts over 1,600 firearms and makes new exercise weights. (Picture)
November 20: SCAQMD Stationary Source Committee passes PR 1407.1. (Agenda)
November 16: CMC provides comments to CARB on proposed AB 2588 EICG and CTR changes. (EICG) (CTR)
November 12: State Water Board provides guidance on storm water sampling after the historic wildfire season. (Document)
November 10: CMC-opposed Prop 15 fails by over 400,000 votes. (Article)
November 3: VOTE! (Election Results)
November 30: Utility companies file a notice with CPUC to add hydrogen to natural gas supplies. (Letter) (Presentation)
November 24: Cal-OSHA adopts new emergency regulations for COVID-19. (Link)
November 21: CMC's Melting Crime Initiative melts over 1,600 firearms and makes new exercise weights. (Picture)
November 20: SCAQMD Stationary Source Committee passes PR 1407.1. (Agenda)
November 16: CMC provides comments to CARB on proposed AB 2588 EICG and CTR changes. (EICG) (CTR)
November 12: State Water Board provides guidance on storm water sampling after the historic wildfire season. (Document)
November 10: CMC-opposed Prop 15 fails by over 400,000 votes. (Article)
November 3: VOTE! (Election Results)
October 2020
October 31: CMC supports Mujeres de la Tierra 15th year anniversary. (Flier)
October 27: CMC supports Watts-based Community Repower Movement to provide Thanksgiving boxes. (Letter)
October 23: California Department of Public Health (CDPH) provides guidance on AB 685, California’s new COVID-19 workplace exposure reporting law. (Definitions) (AB 685 FAQ)
October 20: State auditor releases report on San Diego Air Pollution Control District. (Audit)
October 19: CMC teams up with LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas to provide PPE decontamination kit to the Santa Fe Heights Healthcare Center in Compton. (Link)
October 15: CMC holds storm water webinar on "Preparing for the Rain Season." (Group)
October 14: SCAQMD holds Public Workshop for PR 1407.1. (Draft Rule Language) (Draft Staff Report) (Slides)
October 9: AB&I and CMC donate PPE decontamination kit to Roots Community Health Center in Oakland. (Roots)
October 2: CMC celebrates 2020 National Manufacturing Day. (Link)
October 1: CMC holds webinar on new state laws impacting the metals sector. (Flier)
October 31: CMC supports Mujeres de la Tierra 15th year anniversary. (Flier)
October 27: CMC supports Watts-based Community Repower Movement to provide Thanksgiving boxes. (Letter)
October 23: California Department of Public Health (CDPH) provides guidance on AB 685, California’s new COVID-19 workplace exposure reporting law. (Definitions) (AB 685 FAQ)
October 20: State auditor releases report on San Diego Air Pollution Control District. (Audit)
October 19: CMC teams up with LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas to provide PPE decontamination kit to the Santa Fe Heights Healthcare Center in Compton. (Link)
October 15: CMC holds storm water webinar on "Preparing for the Rain Season." (Group)
October 14: SCAQMD holds Public Workshop for PR 1407.1. (Draft Rule Language) (Draft Staff Report) (Slides)
October 9: AB&I and CMC donate PPE decontamination kit to Roots Community Health Center in Oakland. (Roots)
October 2: CMC celebrates 2020 National Manufacturing Day. (Link)
October 1: CMC holds webinar on new state laws impacting the metals sector. (Flier)
September 2020
September 30: CMC signs US EPA "America Recycling Pledge." (Pledge Link)
September 29: Governor Newsom vetoes DTSC overhaul bill AB 995. (Veto Message)
September 25: Advanced Casting Research Center (ACRC) relocates to UCI in Southern California. (News)
September 19: Governor signs SB 1159 with urgency. Immediately establishes a rebuttable presumption for COVID-19 workers' comp cases. (Link)
September 18: Governor Newsom signs AB 685 requiring COVID-19 notifications. (Link)
September 17: Governor Newsom signs SB 1383, establishing 12 workweeks of unpaid protected leave for businesses with 5+ employees. (Link)
September 14: Window fliers available for No on Prop 15 campaign. (English) (Spanish) (Other Languages)
September 10: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #12 for PR 1407.1. (Handout) (Draft Language)
September 8: CARB to hold workshop on Sept 11 to discuss amendments to Chrome Plating ATCM. (Rule) (Workshop Notice)
September 3: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 for PR 1147.2. (Handout)
September 2: CMC joins allies to request veto of SB 1383, a bill that would add 12 weeks of protected leave for companies with 5+ employees. (Letter)
September 30: CMC signs US EPA "America Recycling Pledge." (Pledge Link)
September 29: Governor Newsom vetoes DTSC overhaul bill AB 995. (Veto Message)
September 25: Advanced Casting Research Center (ACRC) relocates to UCI in Southern California. (News)
September 19: Governor signs SB 1159 with urgency. Immediately establishes a rebuttable presumption for COVID-19 workers' comp cases. (Link)
September 18: Governor Newsom signs AB 685 requiring COVID-19 notifications. (Link)
September 17: Governor Newsom signs SB 1383, establishing 12 workweeks of unpaid protected leave for businesses with 5+ employees. (Link)
September 14: Window fliers available for No on Prop 15 campaign. (English) (Spanish) (Other Languages)
September 10: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #12 for PR 1407.1. (Handout) (Draft Language)
September 8: CARB to hold workshop on Sept 11 to discuss amendments to Chrome Plating ATCM. (Rule) (Workshop Notice)
September 3: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #6 for PR 1147.2. (Handout)
September 2: CMC joins allies to request veto of SB 1383, a bill that would add 12 weeks of protected leave for companies with 5+ employees. (Letter)
August 2020
August 30: Insurance Commissioner approves COVID-19 cases will not increase ex mod. (Document)
August 27: SCAQMD holds working group #11 for metal rule PR 1407.1. (Presentation)
August 24: CalChamber discusses when to report and record COVID-19 occurrence at workplace. (Article)
August 21: CMC's Executive Director joins the Board of historic Knight Foundry & Machine Shop. (Link)
August 18: CMC holds webinar on Prop 15. CMC opposes Prop 15, which would increase property taxes on all metal manufacturers. (No on Prop 15)
August 11: San Diego Mayor calls on manufacturers to support solutions to COVID-19. (Article)
August 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #10 for PR 1470.1. (Presentation)
August 3: Slides and recording available for Governor's Webinar "Economic Incentives, Resources and Relief Programs for CA Manufacturers." (Link)
August 1: New calculator shows the devastating impact of Prop 15: Split Roll Tax on Commercial Properties. (Calculator)
August 30: Insurance Commissioner approves COVID-19 cases will not increase ex mod. (Document)
August 27: SCAQMD holds working group #11 for metal rule PR 1407.1. (Presentation)
August 24: CalChamber discusses when to report and record COVID-19 occurrence at workplace. (Article)
August 21: CMC's Executive Director joins the Board of historic Knight Foundry & Machine Shop. (Link)
August 18: CMC holds webinar on Prop 15. CMC opposes Prop 15, which would increase property taxes on all metal manufacturers. (No on Prop 15)
August 11: San Diego Mayor calls on manufacturers to support solutions to COVID-19. (Article)
August 6: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #10 for PR 1470.1. (Presentation)
August 3: Slides and recording available for Governor's Webinar "Economic Incentives, Resources and Relief Programs for CA Manufacturers." (Link)
August 1: New calculator shows the devastating impact of Prop 15: Split Roll Tax on Commercial Properties. (Calculator)
July 2020
July 30: Bryn Van Hiel II, Techni-Cast, receives the CMC Erwin G Tetzlaff Award, our industry's highest honor. (Recipients)
July 29: CMC holds virtual mid-year conference for metals sector. (Meeting)
July 20: Governor's Office of Business and economic development (GO-BIZ) to host July 23 webinar on manufacturing economic incentives, tax credits and more. (Webinar Link)
July 14: Cal-OSHA Log 300 requirements for positive COVID-19 test. (Link)
July 10: SCAQMD 1407.1 Facility Testing. (Report)
July 9: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #9 for PR 1407.1. (Staff Presentation)
July 8: State Treasurer Fiona Ma to be 2021 CMC Annual Meeting keynote speaker. (Link)
July 1: Storm water industrial permit TMDLs take effect. (Enter address to see if TMDLs impact you)
July 30: Bryn Van Hiel II, Techni-Cast, receives the CMC Erwin G Tetzlaff Award, our industry's highest honor. (Recipients)
July 29: CMC holds virtual mid-year conference for metals sector. (Meeting)
July 20: Governor's Office of Business and economic development (GO-BIZ) to host July 23 webinar on manufacturing economic incentives, tax credits and more. (Webinar Link)
July 14: Cal-OSHA Log 300 requirements for positive COVID-19 test. (Link)
July 10: SCAQMD 1407.1 Facility Testing. (Report)
July 9: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #9 for PR 1407.1. (Staff Presentation)
July 8: State Treasurer Fiona Ma to be 2021 CMC Annual Meeting keynote speaker. (Link)
July 1: Storm water industrial permit TMDLs take effect. (Enter address to see if TMDLs impact you)
June 2020
June 26: CMTA opens a new on-line portal "Safely Making California" for PPE. (Link)
June 19: CMC opposes SB 1383 (Jackson) which would extend paid sick leave up to 12 weeks for the smallest employers.
June 12: CMC opposes AB 196 (Gonzalez) which conclusively presumes someone who tested positive for COVID-19 contracted the virus at work.
June 1: CMC and GotSafety provide videos is English and Spanish regarding workers returning to work after COVID-19, cleanliness, cleaning and PPE. (watch)
June 26: CMTA opens a new on-line portal "Safely Making California" for PPE. (Link)
June 19: CMC opposes SB 1383 (Jackson) which would extend paid sick leave up to 12 weeks for the smallest employers.
June 12: CMC opposes AB 196 (Gonzalez) which conclusively presumes someone who tested positive for COVID-19 contracted the virus at work.
June 1: CMC and GotSafety provide videos is English and Spanish regarding workers returning to work after COVID-19, cleanliness, cleaning and PPE. (watch)
May 2020
May 29: CMC hosts webinar on requirements and guidance if an employee tests positive for COVID-19.
May 28: Facilities must update their IIPP to include COVID-19, and provide training. (OSHA Link)
May 22: Cal-OSHA provides checklist for COVID-19 Plan. (Checklist)
May 21: Cal-OSHA uses inspection document specific to manufacturing and COVID-19 plan. (Document) (CDC Info)
May 20: DIR releases Q&A page on Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-62-20. (Link)
May 15: CMC holds webinar on new free software for tracking company activities surrounding COVID-19.
May 12: CMC provides PPP loan forgiveness tracker. (About PPP) (Tracker)
May 8: CMC holds webinar on Newsom's Executive Order regarding workers comp and COVID-19.
May 6: Governor Newsom issues Executive Order on workers comp covering employees who get COVID-19. (Order)
May 29: CMC hosts webinar on requirements and guidance if an employee tests positive for COVID-19.
May 28: Facilities must update their IIPP to include COVID-19, and provide training. (OSHA Link)
May 22: Cal-OSHA provides checklist for COVID-19 Plan. (Checklist)
May 21: Cal-OSHA uses inspection document specific to manufacturing and COVID-19 plan. (Document) (CDC Info)
May 20: DIR releases Q&A page on Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-62-20. (Link)
May 15: CMC holds webinar on new free software for tracking company activities surrounding COVID-19.
May 12: CMC provides PPP loan forgiveness tracker. (About PPP) (Tracker)
May 8: CMC holds webinar on Newsom's Executive Order regarding workers comp and COVID-19.
May 6: Governor Newsom issues Executive Order on workers comp covering employees who get COVID-19. (Order)
April 2020
April 21: CMC hosts webinar on storm water, TMDLs and TSO option. (Flier)
April 17: CalEPA, DTSC, OEHHA, CalRecycle, SWRCB and CARB issue notice on enforcement during COVID-19. (Link)
April 16: SCAQMD publishes Advisory Notice on temporary relief for non-emission requirements. (Notice)
April 10: CMC submits comments on SCAQMD's Proposed Rule 1147.2. (Letter)
April 8: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #8 for PR 1407.1. (Presentation)
April 3: Metal businesses should visit bank and apply for forgivable PPP loan. (About PPP) (PPP FAQs) (PPP Application) (Link)
April 21: CMC hosts webinar on storm water, TMDLs and TSO option. (Flier)
April 17: CalEPA, DTSC, OEHHA, CalRecycle, SWRCB and CARB issue notice on enforcement during COVID-19. (Link)
April 16: SCAQMD publishes Advisory Notice on temporary relief for non-emission requirements. (Notice)
April 10: CMC submits comments on SCAQMD's Proposed Rule 1147.2. (Letter)
April 8: SCAQMD holds working group meeting #8 for PR 1407.1. (Presentation)
April 3: Metal businesses should visit bank and apply for forgivable PPP loan. (About PPP) (PPP FAQs) (PPP Application) (Link)
March 2020
March 31: Storm Water TMDLs take effect July 1. Metal facilities should review TSO option. (TMDLs) (TSO)
March 27: CARES Act signed into law. (US Senate Small Business Committee Guidebook)
March 24: Download OSHA's guidance document on "Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19." (Document)
March 23: CMC members invited to IEA webinar (April 7) on CARB's criteria pollutant and toxics emission reporting. (Webinar) (About CARB Reporting)
March 19: Governor Newsom orders a shelter in place for the entire state.
March 17: California State Legislature suspends session until April 13 due to Covid-19. (Article)
March 13: CMC Southern California Roundtable changed to webinar.
March 12: CMC holds Northern California Industry Roundtable in Fremont.
March 9: CMC holds San Diego Industry Roundtable in San Diego.
March 31: Storm Water TMDLs take effect July 1. Metal facilities should review TSO option. (TMDLs) (TSO)
March 27: CARES Act signed into law. (US Senate Small Business Committee Guidebook)
March 24: Download OSHA's guidance document on "Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19." (Document)
March 23: CMC members invited to IEA webinar (April 7) on CARB's criteria pollutant and toxics emission reporting. (Webinar) (About CARB Reporting)
March 19: Governor Newsom orders a shelter in place for the entire state.
March 17: California State Legislature suspends session until April 13 due to Covid-19. (Article)
March 13: CMC Southern California Roundtable changed to webinar.
March 12: CMC holds Northern California Industry Roundtable in Fremont.
March 9: CMC holds San Diego Industry Roundtable in San Diego.
February 2020
February 27: Article "California's Recycling Collapse About to Hit Home." (Article)
February 26: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on PR 1147.2--NOx. (Presentation) (Excel)
February 21: CMC supports AB 3015 (Chiu-D) to require non-combustible piping in state public works projects. (Bill)
February 13: CMC member publishes article "The PAGA Gold Rush". (Article)
February 7: CMC to speak at NTMA San Fernando Valley meeting on Feb 19. (Flier)
February 1: Judge fully invalidates AB 51: California's ban on arbitration agreements.
February 27: Article "California's Recycling Collapse About to Hit Home." (Article)
February 26: SCAQMD holds working group meeting on PR 1147.2--NOx. (Presentation) (Excel)
February 21: CMC supports AB 3015 (Chiu-D) to require non-combustible piping in state public works projects. (Bill)
February 13: CMC member publishes article "The PAGA Gold Rush". (Article)
February 7: CMC to speak at NTMA San Fernando Valley meeting on Feb 19. (Flier)
February 1: Judge fully invalidates AB 51: California's ban on arbitration agreements.
January 2020
January 27: SCAQMD schedules AB 617 meeting for Southeast Los Angeles on Feb 6. (Flier)
January 15: CMCi hosts dinner for San Diego Kearny High School Engineering Night for seniors. (Pictures)
January 12: SCAQMD publishes 2020 Rule Forecast, which includes metal rules. (Document)
January 10: Federal Judge extends block of AB 51, California's new arbitration agreement law. (Article)
January 9: Federal judge blocks truckers from AB 5, California's new independent contractor law. (Article)
January 1: Federal Judge temporarily blocks AB 51, California's new arbitration agreement law. (Action)
January 27: SCAQMD schedules AB 617 meeting for Southeast Los Angeles on Feb 6. (Flier)
January 15: CMCi hosts dinner for San Diego Kearny High School Engineering Night for seniors. (Pictures)
January 12: SCAQMD publishes 2020 Rule Forecast, which includes metal rules. (Document)
January 10: Federal Judge extends block of AB 51, California's new arbitration agreement law. (Article)
January 9: Federal judge blocks truckers from AB 5, California's new independent contractor law. (Article)
January 1: Federal Judge temporarily blocks AB 51, California's new arbitration agreement law. (Action)